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LogoName Σ Ingoing engagements Outgoing engagements

[Automatic translation follows] The Agency for Ecological Transition! ADEME in brief The Agency for Ecological Transition participates in the implementation of public policies in the areas of the environment, energy and sustainable development. It provides its expertise and consulting capabilities to businesses, local authorities, public authorities and the general public, in order to enable them to progress in their environmental approach. The Agency also helps to finance projects, from research to implementation, in the following areas: waste management, soil preservation, energy efficiency and renewable energies, savings on raw materials, air quality, noise control, the transition to the circular economy and …

Sectors: National and local authorities

6457 5719 338
Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse

[Automatic translation follows] Your partner for water! The water agency is a public institution of the State under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, whose mission is to restore the good condition of water and aquatic environments. In application of the polluter-pays principle, it collects tax fees paid by all users: households, communities, industrialists, farmers, according to the volumes they withdraw and the pollution they discharge. The money collected is reinvested in communities, industrialists, farmers and associations that work to improve the quality of water and environments: improving sanitation systems, reducing pollution by toxic substances, saving and sharing …

Sectors: Environment

523 339 75
Les Notaires du Rhône Les Notaires du Rhône

[Automatic translation follows] Official page of the Notaries of the Rhône, Ain and Loire. #Information #Advice #Service The Notaries of the Rhône, commonly called the Chamber of Notaries of the Rhône, is a professional order bringing together the 520 notaries of the Rhône, as well as their 1487 collaborators, divided into 110 offices. Its main missions are to inform and exchange on the news and actions of the notaries of the Rhône, to raise awareness among citizens of their public service mission throughout the department, and to lead the strategic direction of notarial activity in the Rhône. Notaries are public …

Sectors: Law Practice Legal Services

62 29 39
CCI Haute-Loire CCI Haute-Loire

[Automatic translation follows] Role of the CCI Haute-Loire: Whether you have a project to create or take over a business, a need to develop skills, the desire to conquer new markets in France or internationally, or a project in terms of innovation, the CCI Haute-Loire is your privileged contact. Our advisors work alongside you, on the ground, whatever the size of your company, the nature of your project, and your sector of activity. They listen and analyze your needs in order to offer you effective and sustainable solutions. Missions of the CCI Haute-Loire Whatever your idea or project, a CCI …

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

92 44 46
Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité Association des maires de France et des présidents d'intercommunalité

[Automatic translation follows] The AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities to respect local freedoms. A force for proposals and representation Created in 1907, recognized as being of public utility since 1933, the AMF works alongside mayors and presidents of intercommunalities, in compliance with the values ​​and principles that have prevailed since its creation: defense of local freedoms, concrete and permanent support for elected officials in day-to-day management, loyal but demanding partnership with the State to always better preserve the interests of communities and their groups. Nearly 35,000 mayors and presidents of EPCI are now members. Strong legitimacy The …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

1306 1034 45
Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF Association des Maires Ruraux de France - AMRF

[Automatic translation follows] The Association of Rural Mayors of France unites, informs and represents the mayors of municipalities with fewer than 3,500 inhabitants throughout France. The AMRF is committed on a daily basis at the local and national levels to defend and promote the specific issues of rurality. Created in 1971, the AMRF brings together nearly 10,000 rural mayors, grouped in a friendly and supportive network of departmental associations, in complete independence from political powers and parties. Its motto: "Mayors at the service of mayors". In just a few years, the AMRF has established itself as the specific representative of …

Sectors: NGO, Think Tank

407 310 0
Groupe Crédit Agricole Groupe Crédit Agricole

Crédit Agricole is the French economy’s leading financier and one of the top banking operators in Europe. As a leader in retail banking in Europe, the Group is also the leading European asset manager, the first bank insurer in Europe, and the third largest European operator in project financing. On the strength of its cooperative and mutual insurance foundations, its 154,000 employees and 27,000 administrators of local and regional banks, Crédit Agricole Group is a responsible, useful bank, serving 54 million customers, 11.8 million mutual shareholders and 800,000 individual shareholders. Thanks to its universal retail banking model – the close …

Tags: CAC40 Sectors: Bank

3981 2551 1653
Saint-Étienne Métropole Saint-Étienne Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Saint-Étienne Métropole, a public inter-municipal cooperation institution, became a Métropole on January 1, 2018, joining the small and envied circle of the 22 major French Métropoles. Its territory is made up of 53 municipalities and has more than 400,000 inhabitants. Saint-Étienne Métropole manages, for its users, various public service missions such as waste management, school transport, drinking water supply and roads.

Sectors: French metropolis

717 474 236
grandlyon grandlyon

[Automatic translation follows] An administration in motion is a whole city that moves #villedelyon! Capital of the Rhône-Alpes Region, Lyon is one of the most attractive cities in Europe for its quality of life and its exceptional economic dynamism. At the heart of the Lyon Metropolis, the City of Lyon (500,000 inhabitants) has a total budget of 780 million euros and a workforce of 7,300 permanent agents allowing it to offer a local public service to the population with a constant concern for quality. Would you like to discover our professions, find out about recruitment procedures or apply for our …

Sectors: French metropolis National and local authorities

2135 1827 182
Agence d'urbanisme de la région grenobloise Agence d'urbanisme de la région grenobloise

[Automatic translation follows] According to the law (Art. L 132-6 of the Urban Planning Code, Alur 2014), the Grenoble Region Urban Planning Agency, a member of the French Federation of Urban Planning Agencies (FNAU), has the mission of monitoring urban developments, participating in the definition of public planning and development policies, in the preparation of urban planning and planning documents, etc., with the aim of harmonizing public policies at different territorial scales. An association under the 1901 law created in 1967, it now has around sixty multidisciplinary collaborators (urban planners, architects, engineers, lawyers, cartographers, landscapers, demographers, economists, etc.). They combine …

104 36 72
Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

[Automatic translation follows] The sun rises in the South ☀️ ☀️ The sun rises in the South! ☀️ The South Region, co-host of the 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games: the #FrenchAlps at the top! ☀️For you, the South Region is... Daily support from high school, at every stage of your life. Getting around, studying, developing an activity, finding a job, learning, eating well, taking care of yourself or playing sports: this is what our Region is really for! With a higher commitment in the background: fighting against climate change and preserving our environment. High schools, Vocational training, Apprenticeship, Public …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1973 1565 225
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

[Automatic translation follows] #auvergnerhonealpes Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a large region with many assets: - With more than 8 million inhabitants, it is more populated than 13 of the 28 countries of the European Union and ranks 10th most populated region in Europe - Covering nearly 70,000 km2, or 13% of the metropolitan territory, its surface area is equivalent to that of Ireland. - In France, it is the leading industrial and gastronomic region, it ranks first for agricultural production under label (AOP, IGP, etc.) and the number of organic farms. - In Europe: it is the 8th richest region in Europe …

Sectors: National and local authorities

4330 3509 680
agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne

[Automatic translation follows] For a sustainable and united sharing of the resource. The Agency supports projects that protect water and environments State public establishment governed by the environmental code collecting fees on polluting or water-consuming activities and using the corresponding revenues to finance actions to combat pollution, preserve water resources and aquatic environments, and knowledge. The water agency provides the secretariat for the Adour Garonne basin committee, a "local parliament" for water. financing water policies, collecting and disseminating data on water, raising public awareness of water issues, preserving water resources, and preserving aquatic environments

Sectors: Environment

348 231 122
Groupe Safer Groupe Safer

[Automatic translation follows] Land development and rural settlement companies The Safer (Land development and rural settlement companies) are public limited companies, not for profit (without distribution of profits), with missions of general interest, under the supervision of the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance. They cover the French mainland and 4 overseas territories. Originating from the agricultural orientation laws of 1960 and 1962, they now have more than 60 years of experience in the field. Their actions fall under the jurisdiction of the judicial courts (high courts, courts of appeal and Court of Cassation). In France, we have 64,400,000 hectares of …

102 43 67
E.Leclerc E.Leclerc

[Automatic translation follows] Defend everything that matters to you For over 70 years, E.Leclerc has pursued one goal: democratizing consumption is the expression of its social utility. This commitment to serving the greatest number must allow everyone to access the products and services they need or want, on a daily basis. Accessibility, whether it is a question of price, proximity or information, is a permanent fight, constantly renewed by consumer expectations and societal issues. Improve the purchasing power of consumers on a daily basis; Break monopolies to open up new markets, such as parapharmacy or cultural products; Support both French …

Sectors: Retail and Distribution

1699 1058 480