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CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Funding a green future for Europe #CINEA_EU #EUGreenDeal The European Climate, Environment and Infrastructure Executive Agency (CINEA) is the successor organisation of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Officially established on 15 February 2021, it has started its activities on 1 April 2021 in order to implement parts of certain EU programmes: (a) Innovation Fund; (b) Connecting Europe Facility: Transport and Energy; (c) Horizon Europe: Pillar II, cluster 5: Climate, energy and mobility; (d) LIFE: Nature and biodiversity; Circular economy and quality of life; Climate change mitigation and adaptation; Clean energy transition; (e) Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism; (f) Public …

501 344 165
Rennes Ville et Métropole Rennes Ville et Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Live intelligently Capital of one of the most dynamic regions of France, Rennes assumes its role as leader in economic development 📈 ▶ Ranked 10th nationally, its urban area covers nearly 700,000 inhabitants with an economic area which concentrates 300,000 jobs ▶ 1st "business friendly" city of cities with less than 500,000 inhabitants, it attracts numerous talents in several key sectors of the economy (research, digital technology, health, agri-food, environment or manufacturing) ▶ Open to the international world, Rennes is the leading education hub in the Greater West with 68,000 students and fuels high-level research and innovation …

Sectors: French metropolis

1282 915 365
Brest Métropole Brest Métropole

[Automatic translation follows] Ready to give meaning to your career at the tip of Brittany? At the heart of a living area of ​​90 municipalities and 300,000 inhabitants, Brest metropolis oceane constitutes the anchor point of western Brittany. Created on a voluntary basis in 1973, the Brest Urban Community, today Brest Ocean Metropolis, brings together the eight founding municipalities, or 210,000 inhabitants.

Sectors: French metropolis

420 346 42
French Tech Normandie Caen French Tech Normandie Caen

[Automatic translation follows] Find all the information from the French Tech Normandie Caen community, events open to all... Find and follow the news of French Tech Normandie Caen, its start-ups and its ecosystem! Do you want to join French Tech Normandie Caen? Contact us!

Sectors: French Tech

115 45 84
La French Tech Rennes St Malo La French Tech Rennes St Malo

La French Tech is the nickname of the French startup ecosystem and all its members, from biosciences to online marketplaces, wherever they may be in the world. It is also a government-backed movement, making France one of the best countries in the world to launch and scale global tech leaders. Since the launch of the initiative in 2014, the Rennes St Malo region has been given the seal approval. In 2019, the local ecosystem of tech entrepreneurs was awarded the French Tech Capital label. Today, La French Tech Rennes St Malo is a high-growth, high-energy region with an international focus, …

Sectors: French Tech Public business cluster

353 243 72
Cerema Cerema

[Automatic translation follows] Cerema, Climate & Territories of tomorrow: planning, mobility, infrastructure, risks, environment, sea, coastline Cerema provides expertise, research and innovation at the service of the State and communities, as well as economic players: > Expertise and territorial engineering > Mobility > Buildings > Transport infrastructure > Environment and natural hazards > Sea and coastline A public administrative establishment (EPA), under the supervision of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Cerema develops close relationships with the local authorities which are present in its governance bodies. It promotes innovation in the regions, and develops partnerships with communities and businesses. This is …

Sectors: National and local authorities

1003 785 172
Région Pays de la Loire Région Pays de la Loire

[Automatic translation follows] The Pays de la Loire region brings together 5 departments: Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Sarthe and Vendée. It has 3.7 million inhabitants spread across 1,357 municipalities. It is a territory balanced between rural areas and urban areas, organized around 7 large urban areas (Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Angers, Cholet, Le Mans, Laval and La-Roche-sur-Yon) and 1,108 municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants. Bordered by 450 km of coastline and crisscrossed by the Loire, the region has the first port on the Atlantic coast. Its economic dynamism is a real strength which allows it to have the lowest unemployment rate in …

Sectors: National and local authorities

2284 1589 309
Région Bretagne Région Bretagne

[Automatic translation follows] The official page of the Brittany Region on LinkedIn An assembly elected by the Bretons, the Regional Council intervenes in most areas which concern daily life and the future of Brittany: training, transport, economic development, regional planning, culture, sport, environment...

Sectors: National and local authorities

2384 1727 179
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

[Automatic translation follows] Applied research for 75 years. Technology, innovation, added value. The Fraunhofer Society, based in Germany, is the world's leading organization for application-oriented research. With its focus on key technologies relevant to the future and on the utilization of the results in business and industry, it plays a central role in the innovation process. As a guide and source of inspiration for innovative developments and scientific excellence, it helps shape our society and our future. The organization, founded in 1949, currently operates 75 institutes and research facilities in Germany. Around 29,000 employees, mostly with a background in natural …

Sectors: Research

609 462 158

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on our experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow. Together with governments, policy makers and citizens, we work on establishing evidence-based international standards and finding solutions to a range of social, economic and environmental challenges. Follow us for content in French under our affiliated pages. Policy Analysis, Economic Analysis, Monitoring, and Modelling …

Sectors: International development

3487 2665 149
Eurostat Eurostat

High quality statistics and data on Europe. Lawful good. EUROSTAT is the statistical office of the European Union. Our mission is to provide high quality statistics and data on Europe. Our values: Show respect for our staff, partners and users Strive for excellence in everything we do Drive innovation in official statistics Promote service orientation Uphold professional independence ESS partnership Eurostat produces European statistics in partnership with National Statistical Institutes and other national authorities in the EU Member States. This partnership is known as the European Statistical System (ESS). It also includes the statistical authorities of the European Economic Area …

Sectors: European Union

7688 5812 747

Creating Cycles. For Life. 💧♻️ SUEZ is the trusted partner for circular solutions in #water and #waste #CreatingCyclesForLife

Sectors: Environment

2626 1386 1088
European Space Agency - ESA European Space Agency - ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States. By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, it can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country. ESA's 22 Member States are Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, …

Sectors: Defence and Aerospace

2965 2401 203
CCI Normandie CCI Normandie

[Automatic translation follows] Official account of the #CCI Normandy. Spokesperson for 140,000 #Norman businesses. SPOKESPERSON FOR THE 5 TERRITORIAL CHAMBERS, CCI NORMANDY REPRESENTS THE INTERESTS OF NORMAN BUSINESSES TO THE PUBLIC AUTHORITIES IN THE REGION.

Sectors: Chamber of commerce

366 187 180
United Nations United Nations

Official account of the United Nations. For peace, dignity & equality on a healthy planet. Founded at the end of the Second World War, the United Nations is an international organization made up of 193 Member States committed to maintaining international peace and security. Every day the UN works to tackle global challenges and deliver results for those most in need. Giving life-saving support to populations hit by humanitarian crises, helping build and keep the peace in conflict-ridden areas, supporting governments and their citizens to advance development and fight poverty, and promoting human rights worldwide are the core pillars of …

Sectors: International development

10477 8619 399
European Parliament European Parliament

The European Parliament is the only EU body directly elected by citizens. #UseYourVote on 6-9 June → Privacy statement: The European Parliament is the elected body of the European Union. The Parliament consists of 705 members elected by the people of the EU member states. The Members work in close unison with the Commission and the Council in shaping the laws and policies of the EU. Voting at the European elections is your opportunity to decide what the European Union should focus on over the next five years. Sign up to get voting reminders and ensure you don't …

Sectors: European Union

3826 2948 300