  • Value proposition

    Innovation for Health

    Founded in 2005, the Medicen Paris Region global competitiveness cluster aims to position the Paris Region as a European industrial leader in diagnostic and therapeutic innovation and leading-edge health technologies, thus enabling it to become one of the global centres for translational medicine.
    Medicen Paris Region’s partnership approach is based on the concept of economic value creation in the Paris Region stimulated by innovation, which forms the very basis of the creation of competitiveness clusters and sets three main priorities:

    developing growth and employment in profitable markets in a successful dynamic relationship between YICs/SMEs, large firms and academic laboratories, clinical centres and educational establishments, promoting transfer of innovative technologies;
    strengthening international competitiveness for the French “health and leading-edge health technology” sector promoting those involved and stimulating the Paris Region’s capacity for innovation;
    helping to increase the attractiveness of the Paris Region and the vitality of its healthcare sector

    Medtech, Biotech, E-Health, Cluster, and R&D projects

  • Original language

    Innovation for Health

    Medicen Paris Region is a competitiveness cluster for innovative health technologies, with a national and international scope. With nearly 500 companies, research centers, universities, hospitals and local authorities as members.

    Became member :

  • Medicen Paris Region - Pôle de Compétitivité Santé Ile-De-France

    Medicen Paris Region - Pôle de Compétitivité Santé Ile-De-France

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique ISIR - Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
Research Services, deeptech

21 Mar 2022

Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak
Research Services

11 Sep 2017

bioRN Life Science Cluster bioRN Life Science Cluster
Biotechnology Research, healthtech, biotech, deeptech

8 Jul 2022

23 Jul 2022
