  • Value proposition

    Reprise - Reconditionnement - Revente de smartphones.

    RECOMMERCE GROUP (formerly Recommerce Solutions) is the European pioneer of buyback, refurbishment and sales of high-tech products, and especially smartphones.

    Founded in 2009, RECOMMERCE GROUP has the most comprehensive and technological market approach. Recommerce buys back used products, offers to businesses and individuals web and shops buyback solutions.

    RECOMMERCE then refurbishes and resell the second-hand devices through many canals :
    RECOMMERCE sells its refurbished products under the Recommerce brand on its own commercial website recommerce.com but also to a large network of retailers, telecoms and marketplaces across Europe. Recommerce products are guaranteed and quality certified. RECOMMERCE GROUP offers one of the largest panels of second hand phones with a quality of services equivalent to new smartphones and has developed new products categories (laptops, tablets, smartwatches, game consoles).

    Sustainable Development has always been a priority for RECOMMERCE GROUP that has always been mindful of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Avoid obsolescence, create a responsible consumption and participate to the circular economy are some of the company’s business drivers. Entrepreneurship, ethics, innovation, professionalism, and high quality are also part of the main pillars of RECOMMERCE GROUP everyday’s work life. Recommerce has been rated Platinum by Ecovadis for its CSR policy.

    Recommerce is part of the Next 40 class of 2020 and the French Tech 120 class of 2021 and 2022, is ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 certified, is in the process of being ISO 27001 certified by DNV and has been awarded the RecQ - ReConditioning Quality label, the first European label certifying the quality of the end product by DEKRA Certification.

    For more information please visit our website: www.recommerce-group.com.
    Find our job offers : https://www.welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/recommerce-group

    internet, recommerce, e-commerce, recycling, optimisation, reuse, monextel, remarketing, refurbishment, second hand smartphones, smartphone, mobile, Reverse Logistics, and distribution of second hand mobile phone

  • Original language

    Reprise - Reconditionnement - Revente de smartphones.

    RECOMMERCE GROUP est l’expert de la revente, du reconditionnement et de la reprise de smartphones.

    RECOMMERCE GROUP donne une seconde vie aux mobiles grâce à des technologies et des méthodes innovantes, depuis la collecte jusqu’à la revente. Recommerce Group propose la gamme de smartphones reconditionnés la plus large du marché sous la marque Recommerce, ainsi que des solutions de reprise novatrices sur le web et en points de vente, et des services dédiés aux besoins de la seconde vie mobile.

    RECOMMERCE GROUP est présent à l’international et travaille avec les plus grands distributeurs européens et avec les opérateurs téléphoniques des marchés Français, Suisse et Ibérique.

  • Recommerce Group, le pionnier européen du reconditionné

    Depuis 2009, Recommerce se positionne comme le pionnier de l'économie circulaire en Europe, spécialisé dans la reprise, le reconditionnement et la revente d'appareils usagés. Nous redonnons vie à vos appareils usagés avec garantie et qualité supérieure.

  • https://www.recommerce-group.com/
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