  • Value proposition

    Pôle européen de la transition numérique & écologique 💡🚀🌳

    Established as a non-profit organization, Cap Digital is the French business cluster for digital transformation. We are trusted by over 800 valued members: 670 innovative SMEs, 50 major corporations, 70 institutions of higher education and 10 capital investors.

    Cap Digital aims at promoting the Paris Region as one of the world leaders in digital contents, creative industries and services, from an industrial as well as a strategic point of view. Fostering R&D, helping companies to expand, networking our members and showcasing them throughout the world, are some of the activities we undertake to support the creativity and competitiveness of this important sector.

    Cap Digital builds strong relationships with International clusters and other powerful European networks:
    - to help SMEs to take part in EU projects or find relevant European partners UK, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Finland and Denmark via a common European Digital Think Tank. The goal is to increase development of technology as well as business partnership and European projects (FP7, CIP, Eurostars etc.).

    - for Cap Digital to be an active partner in programs helping to improve the competitiveness of the European ICT sector Active participation in different European projects : ImMediaTe, Wear-a-BAN, OpenCities...

    Cap Digital helps high potential SMEs to enter foreign markets (main priorities are: US, Brazil, Europe) and to speed-up their international growth, by participating in international trade shows, facilitating business relationships with local key players, and providing soft-landing services.

    The cluster is organizing “Futur en Seine” festival, the digital world festival held during 10 days in June in Paris and the Ile-de-France Region. –

    Acceleration, R&D, Stratégie, Appels à projets publics, Evénements, Formations, IA, Data, technologies immersives, Cloud, numérique, innovation, cluster, hub, financements, expérimentation, europe, numérique de confiance, souveraineté numérique, décarbonation, and transition écologique

  • Original language

    Pôle européen de la transition numérique & écologique 💡🚀🌳

    La Fabrique de l'innovation numérique à impact 💡🚀🌳 #Data #IA #Cloud #TechnosImmersives 🤖

    Créé en 2006, Cap Digital est la fabrication de l’innovation numérique à impact. Il regroupe plus de 850 structures adhérentes dont des PME, Grandes Entreprises/ETI/EPIC, écoles/universités/laboratoires, collectivités territoriales, ainsi que des fonds d’investissement. Missionné par l'Etat et les Régions Île-de-France et Hauts-de-France pour la mise en œuvre de leurs politiques d'innovation, Cap Digital est aujourd'hui reconnu comme l'un des plus grands hub d'innovation numérique et de la transition écologique d'Europe. Le collectif accompagne ses adhérents dans le développement, l'expérimentation et le déploiement d'innovations à fort impact économique, environnemental et sociétal, sur six secteurs clés : les industries culturelles et créatives ; la santé ; la ville durable ; le retail ; la data et l’intelligence artificielle et l’éducation, la formation et les RH.

  • Cap Digital — le pôle européen de la transition numérique et écologique

    Cap Digital — le pôle européen de la transition numérique et écologique

Entity interactions BETA
Entity TypeTweets Articles
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Turnee Turnee

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Runway Runway
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L'Union Européenne (UE) L'Union Européenne (UE)
fintech, International Affairs

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Institut du Numérique Responsable Institut du Numérique Responsable
greentech, civictech, cleantech, Non-profit Organizations

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Agence LUCIE Agence LUCIE
greentech, cleantech, consulting, Business Consulting and Services

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it services

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Cap Digital vs Systematic Open-innovation ecosystems