  • Value proposition

    Natural Swedish Wellbeing

    Natural skincare made in Sweden with a simple philosophy: Innovation driven by nature.

    Wind, mud, salt, rock, ice, sand, water and sun in a tangle of continuous change: Swedish nature isn’t something you visit, it comes to you whenever you step outside. Under these harsh coastal conditions our skin and hair get weathered, however rather than hide from nature, we turn to it for inspiration and answers.

    Since 2008 we have been developing natural formulas to protect and nurture skin and hair, with the understanding that if our products are effective despite the unforgiving conditions, they’ll be of a quality more than capable to meet the demands of any situation and any place.

    Our visionary product development work is backed with a well-established knowledge of natural skincare. We are uncompromising when it comes to the purity of our formulas, because to protect and restore your skin, you must nurture it with only the natural molecules it can absorb and utilize to perform better.

    skin care, body care, hair care, home care, and natural ingredients

  • L:a Bruket | Natural Swedish Wellbeing

    Home, skin, body and hair care, inspired by the power of nature and age-old wellbeing rituals. Made in Sweden. Discover our unique scents and sensorial formulas with over 90% natural ingredients. Receive 3 complimentary sachets with your order.

  • https://www.labruket.com/
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31 Aug 2024

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