  • Neonoo

    Created in 2022
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

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  • Location

    Barcelona, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 6

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year ago
  • Value proposition

    We create body-mind games for kids, pioneering new way of child-computer interaction

    🧒🎲🧠Our Solution.

    Introducing Neonoo Move&Learn Cubes—the first physical AI trainer for kids with learning differences.

    Over 400 million kids worldwide struggle with learning and thinking differences like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism. These challenges make learning a daily struggle, impacting academic success and mental health. It's a global crisis.

    We must act now.

    That's why we've designed Move&Learn Cubes to help these children learn and thrive by combining tangible devices and movement games.

    • Body-mind learning
    • Personalized AI content
    • Engaging digital therapeutic games


    About Neonoo

    🌌 Vision
    Envisioning a world where connections between humans, nature, and technology are restored, allowing for harmonious coexistence.

    🎯 Mission
    Building ecosystems for body-oriented education, ensuring access for all kids with learning and thinking differences through network-based collaboration and the development of phygital tools and spaces.

    💡 Theory of Change
    At NEONOO, we believe that every kid is a miracle 👼. By celebrating the unique ways kids learn and think, we challenge the notion of a "normal" kid. Our body-mind games promote mental and physical health while enhancing learning through constructive play that fosters joy, creativity, and self-regulation.

    Core Strategies:

    • Recognition and Support 🎖️
    Ensuring all kids with learning differences are acknowledged and provided resources to thrive.

    • Body-oriented Development 🤸🏻
    Enhancing skills and well-being through body-oriented education with programs and tools integrated into daily life.

    • Local Leadership 🌱
    Empowering educators to develop tailored resources reflecting community needs, promoting local ownership and innovation.

    EdTech, STEAM, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Smart Toys, Phygital learning solutions, Learning differences support, Neurodiversity inclusion, Digital therapeutic games, Holistic education approaches, AI-Powered adaptive learning, Child development innovation, Local leadership development, Applied Neuroscience , Cooperative ecosystems, and Family-centered engagement

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Incubateurs NEOMA
Incubateurs NEOMA
Higher Education
Incubateurs NEOMA
Higher Education

22 Oct 2023

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