
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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  • Activities

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  • Location

    75016 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 5

  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 months, 1 week ago
  • Value proposition

    Conseil en Stratégie Internationale - Healthtech + Digital-
    International Business Strategy consulting

    Conseils de croissance - en Stratégie Internationale, Business, Management - Notre cocktail favori pour les stratégies de croissance et de rebond : Blend de Healthtech + Digital + International + un regard de fraicheur + une relation de confiance

    Management Europe is a flexible organisation offering consulting and operational management services to create and support business development. The services range from the fundings to operational implementation of the recomendations.
    Main leverages are :
    1-Strategy and Business Models for SME : How to create/improve business models ? How optimize fundings ?
    2-Strategic Marketing : How better target my profitable prospects/customers ?
    3-Sales effectiveness : Is my customer acquisition cost efficient to reach my objectives ?
    4-Export : What are the best countries to target to develop my Business ? How to do on zone ? With who ? Internaly or with a distributor ? How finance the Operations ?

    Innovative medical technology companies, Operational management, Strategy consulting, Branch set up in Europe, Business development, Export Germany, Export USA, Export Mexico, and software editor

  • Original language

    Conseil en Stratégie Internationale - Healthtech + Digital-
    International Business Strategy consulting

    Conseils de croissance - en Stratégie Internationale, Business, Management - Notre cocktail favori pour les stratégies de croissance et de rebond : Blend de Healthtech + Digital + International + un regard de fraicheur + une relation de confiance

    Management Europe is a flexible organisation offering consulting and operational management services to create and support business development. The services range from the fundings to operational implementation of the recomendations.
    Main leverages are :
    1-Strategy and Business Models for SME : How to create/improve business models ? How optimize fundings ?
    2-Strategic Marketing : How better target my profitable prospects/customers ?
    3-Sales effectiveness : Is my customer acquisition cost efficient to reach my objectives ?
    4-Export : What are the best countries to target to develop my Business ? How to do on zone ? With who ? Internaly or with a distributor ? How finance the Operations ?

  • Management Europe : Business Development Santé et Numérique

    Management Europe aide les PME/ETI dans le domaine de la Santé et des nouvelles technologies à accélérer leur développement et accéder à de nouveaux marchés.

  • http://www.management-europe.fr/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
PariSanté Campus PariSanté Campus

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Public business cluster, Biotechnology, French Cluster, Biotechnology Research
BioValley France
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