[Automatic translation follows] You. Me. Community
Fliko is an ecosystem of integrated solutions supporting efficient and effective property management. It introduces new standards and a professional approach to user service by managers, administrators, rental operators and developers, communities and housing cooperatives. Fliko provides a comprehensive end-to-end path in the field of tenant service and builds positive user experience throughout the entire lease period.
In cooperation with our partners, we provide a platform combining services from the area of building automation, IoT and smart home. We promote pro-social and pro-ecological activities.
We develop communities by providing a solution enabling the creation of a space in which everyday life is easier and the place is more friendly. We strive to be an important part of the digital transformation process on the European housing market and give it a new dimension. Welcome to the future, in which technology changes the space around us.
Fliko is an ecosystem of integrated solutions supporting efficient and effective property management. It introduces new standards and a professional approach to user service for property managers, administrators, lease operators and developers, housing communities and cooperatives. Fliko provides a comprehensive, end-to-end tenant service path and builds a positive user experience throughout the lease term.
In collaboration with our partners, we provide a platform that combines services from the areas of building automation, IoT and smart home. We promote pro-social and pro-environmental activities.
We develop communities by providing solutions to create spaces where everyday life is easier and the place is more friendly. We aim to be an important part of the digital transformation of the European housing market and bring it to a new dimension. Welcome to a future where technology is transforming the space around us.
Ty. Ja. Społeczność
Fliko to ekosystem zintegrowanych rozwiązań wspierający sprawne i efektywne zarządzanie nieruchomościami. Wprowadza nowe standardy oraz profesjonalne podejście do obsługi użytkowników przez zarządców, administratorów, operatorów najmu i deweloperów, wspólnot oraz spółdzielni mieszkaniowych. Fliko dostarcza kompleksową ścieżkę end-to-end w zakresie obsługi najemców oraz buduje pozytywne doświadczenia użytkownika w całym okresie trwania najmu.
We współpracy z naszymi partnerami dostarczamy platformę łączącą usługi z obszaru automatyki budynkowej, IoT i smart home. Promujemy działania prospołeczne i proekologiczne.
Rozwijamy społeczności poprzez udostępnienie rozwiązania umożliwiającego tworzenie przestrzeni, w której codzienne życie jest łatwiejsze, a miejsce bardziej przyjazne. Dążymy do bycia ważną częścią procesu transformacji cyfrowej na europejskim rynku mieszkaniowym i nadawania mu nowego wymiaru. Witaj w przyszłości, w której technologia zmienia otaczającą nas przestrzeń.
Fliko is an ecosystem of integrated solutions supporting efficient and effective property management. It introduces new standards and a professional approach to user service for property managers, administrators, lease operators and developers, housing communities and cooperatives. Fliko provides a comprehensive, end-to-end tenant service path and builds a positive user experience throughout the lease term.
In collaboration with our partners, we provide a platform that combines services from the areas of building automation, IoT and smart home. We promote pro-social and pro-environmental activities.
We develop communities by providing solutions to create spaces where everyday life is easier and the place is more friendly. We aim to be an important part of the digital transformation of the European housing market and bring it to a new dimension. Welcome to a future where technology is transforming the space around us.
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