  • BENECH | Avocats & Conseils en propriété industrielle

    Created in 1994

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    94 321
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  • Location

    15 Rue d'Astorg, 75008 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 12


  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 1 month ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Make the immaterial concretize! #Irtinence

    We have been witnessing our customers for almost 30 years in their intellectual property strategy by intervening alongside them, in Europe and internationally, both at the Stages of the Protection of Rights (strategy; Availability of patents; patent deposits, brands, models), as well as their exploitation (valuation; contracts; audit) and their defense, in the context of litigation (actions in counterfeit, non -counterfeit procedures; opposition to the OEB and the Ohmi).

    To do this, we rely on legal and technical know-how, on a structured team around 4 partners (ICC, OEB agent, lawyers), 6 employees (lawyers, lawyers, engineers) and a deposit service dedicated to the management of industrial property rights portfolios as well as on a global network of correspondents.

    We assist customers since 1994 in their ip strategy by providing them with a full service in Europe and world I.E. Filing and Prosecuting (Strategy, Avilabit, Drafting of Patents, Filing Patents, Trademarks and Designs), Licensing (Valorization, Contracts, Due Diligence) and Litigations, opposition proceedings in Front of Epo and Ohim).

    We rely on a legal and technical expertise, A Team Structured Around 4 Partners (European Patent Attorney, Attorneys at Law), 6 Associates (Attorneys, Lawyers, Engineers) and Patents/Trademark Paralegals and A Strong Network at the International Level.

    Intellectual property, litigation in counterfeiting, deposits of industrial property rights, contracts, patents, brands, models, literary and artistic property, industrial property, advice and litigation, innovation, and valorization

  • Original language

    Concrétiser l'immatériel ! #IPertinence

    Nous assistons nos clients depuis près de 30 ans dans leur stratégie de propriété intellectuelle en intervenant à leurs côtés, en Europe et à l’international, tant aux stades de la protection des droits (stratégie ; disponibilité ; rédaction de brevets ; dépôts de brevets, marques, modèles), que de leur exploitation (valorisation ; contrats ; audit) et de leur défense, dans le cadre de contentieux (actions en contrefaçon, non contrefaçon, nullité ; procédures administratives d’opposition devant l’OEB et l’OHMI).

    Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur un savoir-faire juridique et technique, sur une équipe structurée autour de 4 associés (CPI, mandataire OEB, avocats), de 6 collaborateurs (avocats, juristes, ingénieurs) et d’un service dépôt dédié à la gestion de portefeuilles de droits de propriété industrielle ainsi que sur un réseau mondial de correspondants.

    We assist clients since 1994 in their IP strategy by providing them with a full service in Europe and worlwide i.e. filing and prosecuting (strategy, availability, drafting of patents, filing patents, trademarks and designs), licensing (valorisation, contracts, due diligence) and litigating (infringement litigations, opposition proceedings in front of EPO and OHIM).

    We rely on a legal and technical expertise, a team structured around 4 partners (european patent attorney, attorneys at law), 6 associates (attorneys, lawyers, engineers) and patents/trademark paralegals and a strong network at the International level.

    Propriété intellectuelle, Contentieux en contrefaçon, Dépôts de droits de propriété industrielle, Contrats, Brevets, Marques, Modèles, Propriété littéraire et artistique, Propriété industrielle, Conseil et contentieux, Innovation, and Valorisation

  • BENECH | Cabinet d’avocats et de conseils en propriété industrielle

    Le cabinet BENECH, créé en 1993, est spécialisé dans le droit de la propriété intellectuelle (brevet, marque, dessin & modèle, droits d’auteur). Composé d'une équipe pluriprofessionnelle, d'avocats, de conseils en propriété industrielle, de juristes et de gestionnaires, implantée à Paris et à Nantes, le cabinet BENECH propose à ses clients un service complet en PI.

  • https://www.benech.com/
Corporate interactions
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ACE - Avocats, Ensemble
ACE - Avocats, Ensemble
NGO, Think Tank, Law Practice
ACE - Avocats, Ensemble
NGO, Think Tank, Law Practice

18 Oct 2024

Le Mans Innovation
Le Mans Innovation
Government Administration
Le Mans Innovation
Government Administration

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