  • Cn285

    Created in 2021
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    155 155
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Grenoble, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 3


  • Engaged corporates

    1 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    2 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Recurring Billing Solution

    Cn285 SaaS Solution automates the management of fixed-rate, pay-per-use or complex billing contracts for startups and service companies.

    * Digital Product Enabler: Make high-volume, low-amount businesses possible
    * Billing @ scale: Automate and make large volumes of data and invoices more reliable
    * Free your offers and your pricing: Bill per usage, Create differentiated offers
    * Unlock your billing: Decouple billing from management and payment solutions

    billing@scale, subscription management, Saas billing solution, recurring billing, Fixed and variable billing, Pay-as-you-go billing, Pay as you go, IOT billing, RevRec, Billing automation, Complex billing, Multi-plan billing, SaaS billing , Cloud Billing, Startup Billing, Scale-up Billing, Automated Billing, Asset Management, Monetization Solution, Subscription Billing, and Subscription Contract Management

  • Original language

    Recurring Billing Solution

    Cn285 SaaS Solution automatise la gestion à l'échelle des contrats à tarif fixe, à l'usage ou à facturation complexe pour startups et entreprises de services.

    * Digital Product Enabler : Rendre possible les business à forts volumes et faibles montants
    * Billing @ scale : Automatiser et fiabiliser de gros volumes de données et de factures
    * Libérez vos offres et votre pricing : Facturer à l'usage, Créer des offres différenciées
    * Débloquez votre facturation : Découpler la facturation des solutions de gestion et de paiement

    billing@scale, subscription management, Saas billing solution, facturation récurrente, Facturation fixe et variable, Facturation à l'usage, Pay as you go, Facturation IOT, RevRec, Automatisation de la facturation, Facturation complexe, Facturation multi-plans, Facturation SaaS, Facturation Cloud, Facturation Startup, Facturation Scale-up, Facturation automatisée, Gestion des avoirs, Solution de monétisation, Facturation des abonnements, and Gestion contrats abonnements

  • Cn285 - Facturation récurrente et gestion de Contrats

    Cn285 est la solution qui automatise toute la gestion et la facturation récurrente des abonnements et contrats à tarification fixe ou variable. Cn285 est une plateforme de gestion d'abonnement complète et scalable, pour les business SaaS.

  • https://www.cn285.app/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
International Trade and Development
International Trade and Development

21 Jun 2023

Startup accelerator & VC, Financial Services
Startup accelerator & VC, Financial Services

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