  • Value proposition

    Power production driven by the moon; the clean energy that tidal stream and tidal range can harness is 100% predictable

    Tidal energy is literally powered by the universe. The gravitational forces of the moon and the rotation of the earth work together to create ebb and flood. The resulting differences in height create water flows that generate incredible amounts of kinetic energy. As long as the moon, the earth, the oceans and gravity exist, there will be tidal energy. It is universal and more predictable than other renewable sources of energy.

    It is no coincidence Tocardo was founded in The Netherlands. When you live in a country that owes its very existence to understanding and harnessing the enormous forces of water, you develop a uniquely strong bond with water. Throughout Dutch history, water has been a continuous source of inspiration and innovation. When you combine this historical expertise with the current need for renewable energy and smart solutions, you get a unique opportunity: tidal energy.

    We are a young, dynamic company based in Wieringerwerf, North Holland, Cornish and Scottish owned. We develop, design and manufacture power generating solutions that provide a continuous and reliable flow of tidal energy. For our future clients we apply the learnings that we gain - tide after tide - from our showcase project at the Dutch icon the Eastern Scheldt storm barrier. We have seen the impact our technology and commitment can have, and we believe that what we have can and will change the world for the better.

    Tidal Energy, Energy, Offshore, Renewables, and Ocean Energy

  • Tocardo | Tocardo is a specialist in tidal power generation solutions

    Tocardo is a specialist in tidal power generation solutions. We are one of the world's leading developers of tidal turbines. We are known for our robust and reliable turbines that are the result of a development history spanning the sectors entirety, starting more than twenty years ago. We develop, design and supply tidal turbines that provide a continious and reliable flow of clean energy.

  • https://www.tocardo.com/
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Energy, Oil and Gas
Energy, Oil and Gas

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UK Export Finance
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UK Export Finance
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