We believe in an equal society where everyone has the right to live, work and participate as active and respected citizens in the communities of their choice." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="108108" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Enable"> 19,256 2,986 19,215 7,256 7,906
Entity types
3 Renshaw Pl, Motherwell ML1 4UF, UK
United Kingdom
Scale: 1001-5000
Estimated: 641
Engaged corporates
12Added in Motherbase
3 years, 9 months agoWe believe in an equal society where everyone has the right to live, work and participate in their communities.
Enable consists of three pillars – Enable Cares, Enable Works and Enable Communities.
Across all three, we deliver self-directed health and social care for people throughout Scotland, employability and training and community projects and campaigns.
Employing 2,500 staff with 12,000 members and supporters, Enable actively supports over 13,000 people to live independently as active citizens in their local communities.
Enable support people who have a learning disability, including their friends, family and anyone else who cares for them. We help people to enjoy the health, education, human rights and opportunities they deserve.