  • Catch My Song

    Created in 2015
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
    Several signals show that this company is not active anymore
  • Social networks

    99 33
  • Activities

  • Entity types

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  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Catch My Song is a mobile application created by Romain Bruguière, Paul Charbit & Julien Rozé. Launched in French and in English in June 2015 by a young startup, it lets its users to discover new songs, reneiw their playlists and meet new music lovers based on their geography and on their musical tastes.

    Website : http://www.catchmysong.com

    > Description :

    Do you want to know what the guy in front of you is listening to ? With Catch My Song, you can find out what people are playing around you and listen on the go. Discover new tracks, renew your playlists, and meet new music lovers based on your musical tastes.

    To use Catch My Song, you don’t need any account on Spotify, Soundcloud or Deezer, you directly share the music you listen on your iPhone (including Apple Music), with all the Catch My Song users ! And if you don't have any music in your phone, you can manually add your favorite tracks.

    So, if you want to meet new people or simply to discover new tracks, give it a try, it’s 100% free !

    Listen to what people around you are listening to
    The tab « Around me » shows you the tracks played by the users around you. You can also sort out the profiles displayed based on the age, the gender or the music style of the user.

    Discover new tracks
    One of the users near you is listening to a song you didn’t now ? Listen to this song and like it to save it in your playlist.

    Meet new music lovers
    You are wondering what could be the musical style of a user ? Check out his profile, and find out his musical style and the last 10 songs he listened to. If you like his profile, send him a contact request to be able to talk with him.

    Find your Facebook friends on Catch My Song and add them to your contact list.
    This list enables you to keep in touch with the users you met on Catch My Song, so you can check out the profile of your friends whenever you want to.

    iOS, Musique, Social, and Android

  • Original language

    Catch My Song is a mobile application created by Romain Bruguière, Paul Charbit & Julien Rozé. Launched in French and in English in June 2015 by a young startup, it lets its users to discover new songs, reneiw their playlists and meet new music lovers based on their geography and on their musical tastes.

    Website : http://www.catchmysong.com

    > Description :

    Do you want to know what the guy in front of you is listening to ? With Catch My Song, you can find out what people are playing around you and listen on the go. Discover new tracks, renew your playlists, and meet new music lovers based on your musical tastes.

    To use Catch My Song, you don’t need any account on Spotify, Soundcloud or Deezer, you directly share the music you listen on your iPhone (including Apple Music), with all the Catch My Song users ! And if you don't have any music in your phone, you can manually add your favorite tracks.

    So, if you want to meet new people or simply to discover new tracks, give it a try, it’s 100% free !

    Listen to what people around you are listening to
    The tab « Around me » shows you the tracks played by the users around you. You can also sort out the profiles displayed based on the age, the gender or the music style of the user.

    Discover new tracks
    One of the users near you is listening to a song you didn’t now ? Listen to this song and like it to save it in your playlist.

    Meet new music lovers
    You are wondering what could be the musical style of a user ? Check out his profile, and find out his musical style and the last 10 songs he listened to. If you like his profile, send him a contact request to be able to talk with him.

    Find your Facebook friends on Catch My Song and add them to your contact list.
    This list enables you to keep in touch with the users you met on Catch My Song, so you can check out the profile of your friends whenever you want to.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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