  • DriveYourTools

    Created in 2013
  • BETA

    Probably non active (C)
    Several signals show that this company is not active anymore
  • Social networks

    39 22
  • Activities

  • Technologies

  • Entity types

  • Location

    2 Espl. Anton Philips, 14460 Colombelles, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10


  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    DriveYourTools is an innovative cloud solution dedicated to industrial asset inventory and traceability management. DriveYourTools proposes to capture and to capitalize information of every equipment throughout his existence.

    Processing and formatting chains of materials (plastics, elastomers, composites, steels, cast irons and glasses) involve many industry players such as owners, producers, toolmakers and logisticians. The multiplication of stakeholders throughout tool's entire life cycle that can extend beyond 20 years and the large numbers of operational tools, makes it virtually impossible for anyone to have, in real time, a synthetic and exhaustive understanding of their operational, financial and customs conditions.

    The consolidation of information allows a real-time understanding providing responses to multiple operational questions on localization, production, documentation, bill of materials, procedures for current, past or future maintenance operations.

    DriveYourTools also allows to warn when an incident occurs, to organize and plan interventions. The involvement of stakeholders in a win-win collaboration allows a knowledge at 360 ° by clearly identifying what partner or subcontractor, on which site are tools and operational state.

    DriveYourTools offers for each player a custom dashboard and allows by a risk management, to ensure the conformity of the situation in each tool throughout their life cycle.

    DriveYourTools is not involved in the relationship between manufacturers, does not alter the existing process and no change in business applications is necessary.
    DriveYourTools is an agile solution and reconfigurable according the evolutions of the chain of value over time and this irrespective of the level of depth (range 1 to n).
    DriveYourTools differs from the traditional life cycle management solutions enabling industrials, manufacturers to form a community of interest.

    Bring your tools in the digital factory

    Cloud, PLM, Tools, Collaborative, Gestion du cycle de vie, Enterprise Asset Intelligence, chaine de valeurs, values chain, Asset Lifecycle Management, Industrial Internet of Things, Smart Factory, and inventory

  • Original language

    DriveyourTools est une "Social Business Plateform"​ pour la gestion de la traçabilité et le pilotage des outillages de mise en forme connectés

    DriveyourTools vous permet de gérer vos outillages et d'inviter vos collaborateurs, clients, partenaires et sous-traitant à partager les informations, les documents et tous les évènements relatifs à la vie de vos outillages au cours de leur vie de production.

    Vous gérez vos invités sur vos outillages. Les invitations à rejoindre vos outillages sont émises à vos collaborateurs, clients et partenaires. Vous pouvez alors collaborer en toute confidentialité et sécurité avec eux.

    Un tableau de bord "Outillage"​ vous permet de partager la compréhension de la situation de votre outillage avec vos clients et partenaires et de suivre les derniers évènements.

    Un tableau de bord "Global"​ et transversal à l'ensemble de votre parc d'outillages, vous permet instantanément de comprendre la situation opérationnelle de l'ensemble de votre parc d'outillages

    Propulsez vos outillages de mise en forme dans la "Digital Factory"​

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Alliance Industrie du Futur / Filière Solutions Industrie du Futur Alliance Industrie du Futur / Filière Solutions Industrie du Futur
Civic and Social Organizations
Not capitalistic
Not partnership

23 Mar 2018

Public business cluster, Industry, French Cluster, Plastics Manufacturing
Public business cluster, Industry, French Cluster, Plastics Manufacturing

13 Dec 2016

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