  • Champlain Housing Trust

    Created in 1984
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    1,845 822
  • Entity types

  • Location

    88 King St, Burlington, VT 05401, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 95

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition

    The Champlain Housing Trust is a community land trust that supports strong, vital communities in northwest Vermont through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable homes and associated community assets.

    What We Do
    The Champlain Housing Trust serves the people and communities of Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties. CHT's program activities include homebuyer education and counseling, foreclosure prevention, permanently affordable homeownership, low-interest rehab loans, affordable rentals and property management, governance services to housing cooperatives, and real estate development.

    Our History
    Burlington Community Land trust (BCLT) and Lake Champlain Housing Development Corporation (LCHDC) were each founded in 1984 with the financial support of the city of Burlington in partnership with neighboring communities and citizen groups. BCLT focused on neighborhood improvement and expanding homeownership and LCHDC focused on rental housing production. Both groups were charged with producing and maintaining permanently affordable housing - be it rental or homeownership- for low income individuals and families.

    By merging in 2006 they combined their strengths to form Champlain Housing Trust to comprehensively serve the affordable housing and community development needs of Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle Counties.

    community land trust, rental properties, homeownership, and counseling and education

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