  • Value proposition

    Proteins Structures Got Easier With Crystallophores

    Emerged from academic research, POLYVALAN (IBS & ENS Lyon Spin-off company)
    is a young innovative company founded in December 2016 dedicated to structural biology.
    POLYVALAN competitive edge is its unique chemical approach allowing significant gain of effectiveness, time and/or precision for protein structure determination that allows an optimal use of the existing large equipments.

    structural biology, protein crystallization, crystallization screening, nucleating agent, phasing agent, crystallophore, structure determination, X-ray crystallography, and drug design

  • Original language

    Proteins Structures Got Easier With Crystallophores

    Emerged from academic research based in Lyon and Grenoble, with more than 15 years of team experience in solving the phase problem, POLYVALAN is a privately held company founded in December 2016 and specialized in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative solutions dedicated to macromolecular biology.
    POLYVALAN competitive edge is its unique chemical approach allowing significant gain of effectiveness, time and/or precision for protein structure determination that allows an optimal use of the existing large equipments.

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Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

22 Jul 2019

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