
    Created in 2004
  • BETA

    Trend leader (A+)
    Existing signals make this entity one of the most dynamic startups
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    134 3,139
  • Activities

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  • Location

    Kountouriotou 3, Neapoli 567 28, Greece



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 67

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    #software #smartcities #innovation #mobility

    DOTSOFT SA is a Greek SME, specialized in Software Development and Integrated ICT Solutions for the public and private sector. The company was founded on 2004 and initially its core business activity was purely in the area of software development, database solutions and networked applications. Our major fields of expertise today are: Content Management, Digital Assets, Databases, web & mobile platforms.
    Our aim is to provide reliable, trustworthy, integrated ICT solutions, through technology innovation and successful project management to both public and private organizations. DOTSOFT is very successful in complex IT integration projects with a strong specialization in SW development in various, demanding environments.

    In principle we solve problems through technology and innovation. We do not offer an "one-product-fits-all"​ solution, but instead we listen to our clients, we work with the end users, we analyze their needs and we design the best possible solution for each particular case. We implemented it by developing a workable system, usually with the help of other trusted partners from research and industry. Throughout this process we offer:
    • ICT Project Management following lean and agile principles
    • ICT consulting (user requirement analysis, system architecture, specifications)
    • SW development (for web and mobile)
    • Integration services: no need to reinvent the wheel. Match, combine, customize, adapt, and build what is missing.
    • Maintenance and Support

    The last years DOTSOFT is very active in R&D projects with significant success. From ICT for precision agriculture, wireless sensors and environmental monitoring to microelectronic platforms, energy decision support systems and data preservation systems we are using our experience and know how to provide innovative solutions in a wide range of sectors and applications.

    Content Management, Collaboration Systems, Mobile Applications Development, ICT Consulting, R&D Projects, eGovernment, eBusiness, Smart Cities Projects, and Digital Culture

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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