  • Studio Blackthorns

    Created in 2010
  • Social networks

    651 1,842
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    69002 Lyon, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 1


  • Engaged corporates

    0 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    3 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    We are Studio Blackthorns, a creative agency passionate about spirits, beers & non-alcoholic beverages.

    Studio Blackthorns is a print and digital branding company based in France and Australia. We empower and elevate businesses and help them increase sales and customer engagement.


    Authenticity & trust: a good understanding of the project requires first of all listening and empathy. Before starting a new communication project and signing with a client, we attach great importance in establishing a strong connection with you. Indeed, we are passionate about the idea of meeting and collaborating with beautiful people and carefully select our different partners. We emphasize the quality of human relations, the sharing of common values, and the authenticity of conviction.

    A boundless curiosity: our communication studio distills creative solutions by mixing judicious, original and modern ideas. We pride ourselves on innovation, and keep close watch on the latest graphics and technology, always keen to learn more. It is thanks to this bubbling curiosity that we can serve our clients with relevance.

    An overflowing passion: Studio Blackthorns has more than a decade and we feel like it's just the beginning! Our perseverance over the years yields experience and maturity. We carry out our job, as complex as it can get, with devotion and delight.

    Punk at heart: Thinking outside the box is the name of our game. We are always ready to break the rules, and swim against the tide. Our mission is to push our clients to question themselves and to always look further. Throughout our adventure, let's show courage, get out of our comfort zone, and into the attitude that sets us apart.

    Agence Communication Lyon, Design graphique, Création de marque, Social Media, Création identité visuelle, Visual content creation, packaging design, bottle design, label design, spiritueux, liqueur, brasseries, distilleries, vins, bières, boisson, stratégie, stratégie digitale, conseil en stratégie, cabinet de conseil, conseil en communication, agence de conseil, Consultant brasserie, Consultant distillerie, and Coach création de marque

  • Original language

    Studio Blackthorns est un cabinet de conseil en stratégie de marque, expert boisson, bière et spiritueux.

    Studio Blackthorns est au service des acteurs de la filière Boisson. Notre cabinet de design stratégique vous accompagne dans votre projet de repositionnement.

    → Contactez Ludovic pour amorcer votre Exorcisme de marque


    → Consulting & Stratégie de marque
    → Expression de marque
    → Design system
    → Packaging design



    → Philanthropes
    → Good Vibrations
    → Entre alchimie et innovation
    → Notre égo à la poubelle
    → De l'audace punk !

    → Contactez Ludovic pour amorcer votre Exorcisme de marque

  • Conseil en stratégie de marque de boisson, bières et spiritueux

    Conseil stratégie de marque boisson, bière et spiritueux. Nous vous accompagnons dans votre stratégie de positionnement et refonte de marque.

  • https://blackthornsdesign.com/
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