  • Heart & Stroke

    Created in 1952
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    2 46,819 66,153
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    2300 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4, Canada



  • Employees

    Scale: 501-1000

    Estimated: 971

  • Engaged corporates

    4 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Life. We don’t want you to miss it.TM

    For over 70 years, Heart & Stroke has been at the forefront of tackling pressing issues related to heart disease, stroke and vascular cognitive impairment. We drive life-saving medical breakthroughs and act as a catalyst to bring together the brightest minds to improve diagnosis, care and support.

    Our work has saved thousands of lives and improved millions of others. Since 1952, we have invested more than $1.65 billion into supporting best-in-class researchers as they work to discover revolutionary medical advances. In that time, the death rate from heart disease and stroke in Canada has declined by over 75%.

    Working together, our employees, volunteers, researchers, partners, people with lived experience and their families, and donors have made us what we are today: Canada’s most trusted authority on heart and brain health.

    Together, we will beat heart disease and stroke.


    Depuis plus de 70 ans, Cœur + AVC joue un rôle de premier plan dans la lutte contre les maladies du cœur, l’AVC et les déficits cognitifs d’origine vasculaire. Nous facilitons des découvertes médicales qui sauvent des vies et rassemblons les plus grands esprits scientifiques afin d’améliorer le diagnostic, les soins et le soutien.

    Notre travail a permis de sauver des milliers de vies et d’en améliorer des millions d’autres. Depuis 1952, nous avons investi plus de 1,65 milliard de dollars dans la recherche en soutenant des scientifiques émérites qui travaillent à réaliser des avancées médicales révolutionnaires. Au cours de cette période, les taux de décès liés aux maladies du cœur et à l’AVC au pays ont chuté de plus de 75 %.

    En travaillant ensemble, notre personnel, nos bénévoles, nos scientifiques, nos partenaires, nos donateurs, les personnes ayant une expérience vécue et leurs familles nous ont permis de devenir qui nous sommes aujourd’hui : l’autorité la plus reconnue au pays en matière de santé cardiaque et cérébrale.

    Ensemble, nous combattrons les maladies du cœur et l’AVC.

    Health charity, advocacy, research, partnerships, fundraising, Health, Canada, Charity, Heart Health, and Brain Health

  • Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada | Home

    The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada is a source of information about stroke, heart disease, surgeries and treatments. It also provides heart-healthy recipes, nutrition and physical activity tips to help prevent these diseases. The Heart and Stroke Foundation, a volunteer-based health charity, leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application, the promotion of healthy living and advocacy.

  • https://www.heartandstroke.ca/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

16 May 2019

Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

16 Nov 2018

Manifacturing tools, Software Development
Manifacturing tools, Software Development

4 Jun 2018

Munich Re
Munich Re
Munich Re

30 Aug 2022

Marriott International Marriott International

20 Aug 2019

Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

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