  • Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea - Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea

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    Arlington, TX 76018, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 224

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  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Fimea maintains and improves the health of the population by supervising and developing the pharmaceutical sector.

    The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea is the national competent authority for regulating pharmaceuticals. As a central administrative agency operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health it promotes the health and safety of the population by regulating medicinal, blood and tissue products, and by developing the Pharmaceuticals sector.

    Fimea's aim is to improve the pharmaceutical service for the population and the safety, appropriateness and economy of pharmacotherapy. Fimea also enhances and provides the general population and other interested parties with impartial information on medicinal products.

    Fimea will work in a close cooperation with relevant parties and stakeholders in the pharmaceutical field. Fimea will also strengthen its collaboration with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) with regard to the regulatory processes of medicinal products in the EU, and will further expand its international cooperation.

    The Pharmaceutical Safety and Development Center Fimea is an agency under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health that supervises medicines, blood and tissue products and develops the pharmaceutical industry for the health of the population.

    The agency's tasks include licensing and control tasks in the pharmaceutical industry, research and development tasks, and the production and transmission of medical information to improve the effectiveness of medical care and medical treatments. Fimea is part of the European network of drug control authorities and focuses on active international cooperation.

    We employ approximately 230 people. Our offices are located in Kuopio, Helsinki and Turku.

    Fimea är ett centralt ämbetsverk som lieder under the social- och hälösvårdsministeriet och som har till tählig att prövättä äälä och äsätät genom att monitor säkemälke, blod- och täsvädspreparat samt genom att utvälka säkemätäsområdet.
    Fimea has its headquarters in Kuopio. Fimea also has offices in Helsingfors and Åbo.

  • Original language

    Fimea maintains and improves the health of the population by supervising and developing the pharmaceutical sector.

    The Finnish Medicines Agency Fimea is the national competent authority for regulating pharmaceuticals. As a central administrative agency operating under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health it promotes the health and safety of the population by regulating medicinal, blood and tissue products, and by developing the pharmaceuticals sector.

    Fimea’s aim is to improve the pharmaceutical service for the population and the safety, appropriateness and economy of pharmacotherapy. Fimea also enchances and provides the general population and other interested parties with impartial information on medicinal products.

    Fimea will work in a close cooperation with relevant parties and stakeholders in the pharmaceutical field. Fimea will also strengthen its collaboration with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) with regard to the regulatory processes of medicinal products in the EU, and will further expand its international cooperation.

    Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea on sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön alainen virasto, joka valvoo lääkkeitä, veri- ja kudostuotteita sekä kehittää lääkealaa väestön terveydeksi.

    Viraston tehtäviin kuuluvat lääkealan lupa- ja valvontatehtävät, tutkimus- ja kehittämistehtävät sekä lääketiedon tuottaminen ja välittäminen lääkehuollon ja lääkehoitojen vaikuttavuuden parantamiseksi. Fimea on osa eurooppalaista lääkevalvonnan viranomaisverkostoa ja suuntautuu aktiiviseen kansainväliseen yhteistyöhön.

    Palveluksessamme on noin 230 henkilöä. Toimipisteemme sijaitsevat Kuopiossa, Helsingissä ja Turussa.

    Fimea är ett centralt ämbetsverk som lyder under social- och hälsovårdsministeriet och som har till uppgift att främja befolkningens hälsa och säkerhet genom att övervaka läkemedel, blod- och vävnadspreparat samt genom att utveckla läkemedelsområdet.
    Fimea har sitt huvudsäte i Kuopio. Fimea har även kontor i Helsingfors och Åbo.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Retail and Distribution, Software Development
Retail and Distribution, Software Development

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Consulting, audit, IT Services and IT Consulting
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