  • Excellence Finland

    Created in 1966
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    859 856 2,456
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Keilaranta 8, 02150 Espoo, Finland



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 34

  • Engaged corporates

    1 7
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 9 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] A network where you learn from the best! Business development with the power of almost 400 organizations. Come join us.đź’ˇ


    Excellence Finland is a network where goal-oriented organizations and their professionals can develop and learn from each other. Our goal is a successful Finland, whose competitiveness is built on a sustainable foundation. Achieving our vision requires continuous development of the quality of operations and management of Finnish organizations.

    We believe in improving quality, sustainable growth, sustainable competitiveness through continuous change and continuous development. We believe in the power of networking, knowledge and sharing experiences.

    At the heart of Excellence Finland is the non-profit Finnish Quality Association, which has dedicated the last 50 years to promoting quality thinking in Finland. Its strength comes from its membership, which includes almost 400 organizations with their leaders and quality and business developers.

    Become part of the community!


    Excellence Finland is a network where goal-oriented organizations and their professionals can grow and learn from each other. Our aim is a thriving Finland built on a foundation of sustainable competitiveness. Achieving our vision requires the continuous improvement of the operational and management quality of Finnish organizations.

    We believe in Enhancing quality, sustainable growth, and Enduring competitiveness through constant change and development. We believe in the power of networking, sharing knowledge, and experiences.

    At the heart of Excellence Finland is the non-profit Finnish Quality Association, which has dedicated the last 50 years to promoting quality thinking in Finland. Its strength comes from its members, which include nearly 400 organizations along with their leaders and experts in quality and business development.

    Join our community!

    Quality, Excellence, LEAN, Competitiveness, Quality, Competitiveness, Continuous improvement, EFQM, circular economy, responsibility, management, circular economy, knowledge management, safety, sustainability, leadership, entrepreneur, and business

  • Original language

    Verkosto, jossa opit parhailta! Liiketoiminnan kehittämistä lähes 400 organisaation voimin. Tule mukaan.💡


    Excellence Finland on verkosto, jossa tavoitteelliset organisaatiot ja niiden ammattilaiset voivat kehittyä ja oppia toisiltaan. Tavoitteenamme on menestyvä Suomi, jonka kilpailukyky on rakennettu kestävälle pohjalle. Visiomme saavuttaminen vaatii suomalaisten organisaatioiden toiminnan ja johtamisen laadun jatkuvaa kehittämistä.

    Me uskomme laadun parantamiseen, kestävään kasvuun, jatkuvan muutoksen ja jatkuvan kehittämisen myötä saatavaan kestävään kilpailukykyyn. Uskomme verkostoitumisen, osaamisen ja kokemusten jakamisen voimaan.

    Excellence Finlandin sydämessä on voittoa tavoittelematon Suomen Laatuyhdistys ry, joka on viimeiset 50 vuotta omistanut laatuajattelun edistämiselle Suomessa. Sen voima kumpuaa jäsenistöstä, johon kuuluu lähes 400 organisaatiota johtajineen sekä laadun ja liiketoiminnan kehittäjineen.

    Tule osaksi yhteisöä!


    Excellence Finland is a network where goal-oriented organizations and their professionals can grow and learn from each other. Our aim is a thriving Finland built on a foundation of sustainable competitiveness. Achieving our vision requires the continuous improvement of the operational and management quality of Finnish organizations.

    We believe in enhancing quality, sustainable growth, and enduring competitiveness through constant change and development. We trust in the power of networking, sharing knowledge, and experiences.

    At the heart of Excellence Finland is the non-profit Finnish Quality Association, which has dedicated the last 50 years to promoting quality thinking in Finland. Its strength comes from its members, which include nearly 400 organizations along with their leaders and experts in quality and business development.

    Join our community!

    Quality, Excellence, LEAN, Competitiveness, Laatu, Kilpailukyky, Jatkuva parantaminen, EFQM, kiertotalous, vastuullisuus, johtaminen, circular economy, tiedolla johtaminen, turvallisuus, sustainability, leadership, yrittäjä, and liiketoiminta

  • Organisaatioiden kilpailukyvyn kirittäjä - Excellence Finland

    Olemme johtamisen, strategian ja laadun kehittämisen verkosto ja parannamme organisaatioiden sekä Suomen kilpailukykyä – tutustu meihin!

  • https://www.excellencefinland.fi/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting
IT services, IT Services and IT Consulting

28 Aug 2024

Electricals, Information Technology and Services
Electricals, Information Technology and Services

2 Jun 2021

31 May 2023

Telecoms, Telecommunications
Telecoms, Telecommunications

31 Mar 2022

Energy, Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Energy, Automation Machinery Manufacturing

21 Sep 2022

BMW Group
BMW Group
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
BMW Group
Automobile, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

23 Oct 2015

Government Administration
Government Administration

21 Nov 2024

Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services
Consulting, audit, Business Consulting and Services

11 Nov 2021

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