  • Josefa Foundation

    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    8,919 133
  • Activities

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  • Location

    Rue des Drapiers 26, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium



  • Employees

    Scale: 1 employee

    Estimated: 4

  • Engaged corporates

    0 13
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 2 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] "All migrants" Our migrations are the basis of our humanity and each migration is unique ".

    Recognized of public utility since June 15, 2012, the Josefa Foundation has the fundamental intuition that, by nature, as human beings, we are "all migrants" and that hospitality in reciprocity opens a new path for states, for their regions and their cities which are enriched by our migrations, timely realities both for our societies, today, and for generations to come.
    Our migrations are at the heart of our human condition, at the heart of our human history. They shed light on our societies and say the meaning of our humanity on the move.
    Building on his itinerary and the expertise of his team, breaking with the classic patterns, the Josefa Foundation dares to engage, question and propose a renewed path in the face of the challenges of the migratory fact, according to his societal vision: "all migrants", and according to his daily experience, at the threshold and within the house Josefa.
    Vision: "all migrants" according to a global-wanted approach (physical, psycho-intellectual and spiritual) for each of the people we are, for each in their uniqueness, by favoring the cultural and convictional dimensions attached to our migrations.
    Mission: Since mid 2015, the Josefa house has been at the service of a look at our migrations. Within it, in Brussels, live around thirty co-residents, migrants from the world, and multiple proposals: social, cultural and convictional, open to all.
    Here is the invitation of the Josefa house, face of the foundation, which is causing its doors, freeing itself from predefined migratory routes, but without denying the memory of our origins or our traditions, as diverse, were they.
    For Josefa, the time has come to convert our eyes to our migrations: there is our responsibility today and with regard to future generations.

    Migration, housing, integration, integral development, Brussels, academiajosefa, migrants, culture, politics, publicity, spirituality, josefa, academy, and economy foundation

  • Original language

    "Tous Migrants"​ "Nos migrations sont fondement de notre humanité et chaque migration est unique"​.

    Reconnue d’Utilité Publique depuis le 15 juin 2012, la Fondation Josefa a pour intuition fondamentale que, par nature, en tant qu’êtres humains, nous sommes « tous migrants » et qu’une hospitalité en réciprocité ouvre une voie nouvelle pour les Etats, pour leurs régions et leurs cités qui s’enrichissent de nos migrations, opportunes réalités tant pour nos sociétés, aujourd’hui, que pour les générations à venir.
    Nos migrations sont au cœur de notre condition humaine, au cœur de notre Histoire humaine. Elles éclairent nos sociétés et disent le SENS de notre humanité en marche.
    Forte de son itinéraire et de l’expertise de son équipe, en rupture avec les schémas classiques, la Fondation Josefa ose s’engager, questionner et proposer une voie renouvelée face aux défis du fait migratoire, selon sa vision sociétale : « Tous Migrants », et selon son expérience au quotidien, au seuil et au sein de la Maison Josefa.
    Vision : « Tous migrants » selon une approche voulue globale (physique, psycho-intellectuelle et spirituelle) pour chacune des personnes que nous sommes, pour chacun en son unicité, en privilégiant les dimensions culturelles et convictionnelles attachées à nos migrations.
    Mission : Depuis mi 2015, la Maison Josefa est au service d’une conversion de regard sur nos migrations. En son sein, à Bruxelles, vivent une trentaine de co-résidents, migrants du monde, et des propositions multiples : sociales, culturelles et convictionnelles, ouvertes à tous.
    Voici donc l’invitation de la Maison Josefa, visage de la Fondation, qui entrouvre ses portes, en s’affranchissant d’itinéraires migratoires prédéfinis, mais sans renier la mémoire de nos origines ou de nos traditions, aussi diverses fussent-elles.
    Pour Josefa, le moment est venu de convertir notre regard sur nos migrations : il y va de notre responsabilité aujourd’hui et à l’égard des générations futures.

    Migration, Logement, Insertion, Développement intégral, Bruxelles, AcademiaJosefa, Migrants, Culture, Politique, Fondation d'utilité publqiue, Spiritualité, Josefa, Academie, and Economie

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
UK Research and Innovation
UK Research and Innovation
Public business cluster, Government Administration
UK Research and Innovation
Public business cluster, Government Administration

4 Mar 2016

Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Government Administration, French metropolis
Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence
Government Administration, French metropolis

18 Jun 2017

Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing
Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing

19 Sep 2015

Agence Française de Développement
Agence Française de Développement
International development, Banking
Agence Française de Développement
International development, Banking

23 Feb 2018

Housing Europe
Housing Europe
Social Housing, Government Administration
Housing Europe
Social Housing, Government Administration

9 May 2016

Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing
Chemistry, Chemical Manufacturing

5 Dec 2017

Advertising, Advertising Services
Advertising, Advertising Services

11 Dec 2018

Maison du doctorat - Université Paris-Saclay Maison du doctorat - Université Paris-Saclay
Research, Higher Education

18 Jul 2016

 EU Green Capital
EU Green Capital
European Union, Environmental Services
EU Green Capital
European Union, Environmental Services

25 Jun 2015

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs

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