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5 years ago[Automatic translation follows] #managerial transformation #Chronoflex #coaching #management #Alexandre GERARD#collaborative #
Inov-On Expérience accompanies you on the path to collaborative organization with Alexandre Gérard #managerial transformation
@Alexandre GERARD: Author, Speaker, Business Leader.
CHRONO Flex, INOV-ON Group -
47 years old - Inov-On – 360 people - Turnover: €32 million
After 15 years of "Command & Control" management of his company of 300 people, Alexandre GERARD is hit by the crisis.
The fall, the fear, the layoffs, will give way to a deep questioning.
Since 2010, he has been engaging his teams in a "liberation" approach, inspired by JF ZOBRIST, the former emblematic boss of the FAVI foundry and Isaac GETZ, the co-author of "Liberté et Cie".
His goal: to create a caring and nourishing environment that will allow team members to flourish and commit.
The equation "Performance through happiness" is the foundation of the teams' collective action. A well-engaged path reveals an incredible transformation.
After a year-long world tour with his family, Alexandre GERARD shares this experience of liberation in conferences, he is an APM and Germe expert. He supports managers who are committed to the liberated companies movement.
Inov On Expérience invites you to address a few specific themes such as:
=> The keys to transformation
=> The culture of organizations
=> The leader's posture
=> Collective intelligence
=> Communication tools
=> The challenges of "working differently"
=> Co-decision processes
and other themes that will allow you to build your own path.
Training, Conferences, Learning Expedition, Seminars are offered to you.
His book: "The boss who no longer wanted to be a boss"
Conferences, Training, Workshops, Facilitation in collective intelligence, Learning Expedition, Visits, Graphic facilitation, Vision and value process, Coaching, Books, and Visits
#transformation managériale #Chronoflex #coaching # management #Alexandre GERARD# collaboratif #
Inov-On Expérience vous accompagne sur le chemin de l'organisation collaborative avec Alexandre Gérard #transformation managériale
@Alexandre GERARD : Auteur, Conférencier, Chef d'entreprise.
CHRONO Flex, Groupe INOV-ON -
47 ans - Inov-On – 360 personnes - CA : 32 M€
Apres 15 ans de direction "Command & Control" de son entreprise de 300 personnes, Alexandre GERARD, est percuté par la crise.
La chute, la peur, les licenciements, laisseront place à une profonde remise en question.
Depuis 2010, il engage ses équipes dans une démarche de "libération", inspirée par JF ZOBRIST, l’ancien patron emblématique de la fonderie FAVI et, Isaac GETZ, le co-auteur de « Liberté et Cie ».
Son objectif : créer un environnement bienveillant et nourricier qui permettra aux équipiers de s’épanouir et de s’engager.
L’équation « La performance par le bonheur » est le socle de l’action collective des équipes. Un chemin bien engagé révèle une transformation incroyable.
Après un tour du monde en famille d’une année, Alexandre GERARD partage cette expérience de libération dans des conférences, il est expert APM et Germe. Il accompagne des dirigeants qui s’engagent dans le mouvement des entreprises libérées.
Inov On Expérience vous propose d'aborder quelques thèmes spécifiques tels que:
=> Les clés de la transformation
=> La culture des organisations
=> La posture de Leader
=> L’intelligence collective
=> Les outils de communication
=> Les enjeux du « travailler différemment »
=> Les processus de co-décision
et d’autres thèmes qui vous permettront de construire votre propre chemin.
Formations, Conférences, Learning Expédition, Séminaires vous sont proposés.
Son livre: "Le patron qui ne voulait plus plus être chef"
Conférences, Formations, Ateliers, Facilitation en intelligence collective, Learning Expedition, Visites, Facilitation graphique, Processus vision et valeur, Coaching, Livres, and Visites
Pour votre transformation managériale nous vous aidons à concrétiser les concepts de management favorisant l’autonomie, l’intelligence collective, l'agilité et le collaboratif, et bien d'autres.
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MEDEF NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations | MEDEF NGO, Think Tank, Civic and Social Organizations | Not capitalistic Not partnership Event 30 Aug 2018 | | |
La Tribune Media, Newspapers | La Tribune Media, Newspapers | Other 6 May 2014 30 Jun 2023 | | |
LDLC Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | LDLC Consumer Electronics, Computers and Electronics Manufacturing | Not capitalistic Partnership Event 20 Sep 2019 | | |
DECATHLON FRANCE Retail and Distribution, Retail | DECATHLON FRANCE Retail and Distribution, Retail | Not capitalistic Not partnership Event 3 Apr 2019 | | |
Ouest-France Communication Media, Newspaper Publishing | Ouest-France Communication Media, Newspaper Publishing | Other 20 Jun 2018 | |