  • HK

    Created in 1897
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    42,422 3,484 25,907
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Weidekampsgade 8, 2300 København, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 2,873

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Trade union and social security fund.
    Together you are stronger!

    HK is one of Denmark's largest trade unions with almost 300,000 members who work within, among other things, trade, office and administration in both the public and private labor market.
    HK negotiates and agrees pay and working conditions via collective agreements, provides legal assistance and advises and guides members on conditions at work. In addition, members in HK can get good member offers such as free courses, cheap insurance and discount deals.

    HK has a total of approx. 1,200 employees spread over 7 regional departments and a federal building in Copenhagen.

    Vacancies in HK
    If you want to see vacancies internally in HK, they can be found at www.hk.dk/jobs
    Here you can also register for the JobAgent, which updates you with new job postings in HK/Denmark.

    If you are a job seeker from HK, you can also log in to Mit HK where you can register with our JobAgent, and search among thousands of vacancies via our job portal.
    Find the job portal here: https://www.hk.dk/mithk/job_og_loen/nyt_job/jobsoegning

    Read more about HK at http://www.hk.dk/www/om_hk

    Professional advice, Legal help, Daily allowance and back pay, Insurance, and Education

  • Original language

    Fagforening og a-kasse.
    Sammen er du stærkere!

    HK er en af Danmarks største fagforeninger med næsten 300.000 medlemmer, der arbejder inden for bl.a. handel, kontor og administration på både det offentlige og private arbejdsmarked.
    HK forhandler og aftaler løn- og arbejdsforhold via overenskomster, yder juridisk bistand samt rådgiver og vejleder medlemmer om forhold på jobbet. Derudover kan medlemmer i HK få gode medlemstilbud som gratis kurser, billige forsikringer og rabataftaler.

    HK har i alt ca. 1.200 ansatte fordelt på 7 regionale afdelinger og et forbundshus i København.

    Ledige stillinger i HK
    Ønsker du at se ledige stillinger internt i HK, så kan de findes på www.hk.dk/jobs
    Her kan du også tilmelde dig JobAgenten, der opdaterer dig med nye stillingsopslag i HK/Danmark.

    Er du jobsøgende HK’er kan du også logge ind på Mit HK hvor du kan tilmelde dig vores JobAgent, og søge blandt flere tusinde ledige stillinger via vores jobportal.
    Find jobportalen her: https://www.hk.dk/mithk/job_og_loen/nyt_job/jobsoegning

    Læs mere om HK på http://www.hk.dk/www/om_hk

    Faglig rådgivning, Juridisk hjælp, Dagpenge og efterløn, Forsikring, and Uddannelse

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
IT services, Software Development
IT services, Software Development

16 Jun 2018

Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Samsung Electronics
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing

3 Sep 2017

Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation
IT services, Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Intel Corporation
IT services, Semiconductors, Semiconductor Manufacturing

26 Feb 2017

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