  • Avocats Picovschi

    Created in 1988
  • Social networks

    1,524 1,015
  • Activities

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  • Location

    90 Av. Niel, 75017 Paris, France



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 12


  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    4 years, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] A name, a passion, values

    The Picovschi Avocats firm has been offering for 30 years of expertise in numerous sectors of activity to lead you towards success, both by assisting you and by managing your disputes, thanks to the legal advice of its committed, attentive lawyers. of its clients and complementary areas of expertise.
    The intervention of Avocats Picovschi is recognized by the specialized press thanks to its extreme competence and its innovative solutions to the point of growing its influence on a national and international scale to support the activity of SMEs and large companies, in addition to consolidate professional or financial situations established by its clients
    Our objective is to obtain the best possible result, in the best possible time and at the most competitive cost possible.

    OUR VALUES: A name – A passion – A future together

    -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

    For thirty years, Picovschi Lawyers has been offering its expertise in various lines of business to lead you towards success, both in counseling as well as in managing your litigations, by means of the legal advice from its committed lawyers, who are pleased to listen to them clients and who have increased their expertise in many other sectors.
    Picovschi Lawyers' action is regularly recognized by the specialized press thanks to its extreme competence and its innovative solutions, up to increasing its influence on a national and international scale, in supporting the activity of SMEs and large companies, and also to expand the professional or patrimonial situations of its clients.
    Our goal is to obtain the best possible result, without due delay and at the most competitive cost possible.

    OUR VALUES: One name - One passion - One future together

    Business law, URSSAF control, Labor law, Tax control, IT law, Tax law, Intellectual property / PLA, Banking law, Inheritance law, Real estate law, Construction law, Corporate law, Commercial law, Asset Management, and Real Estate Attorney

  • Original language

    Un nom, une passion, des valeurs

    Le cabinet Avocats Picovschi, propose depuis 30 années d’expertise dans de nombreux secteurs d’activités de vous mener vers le succès, tant en vous assistant qu’en gérant vos contentieux, grâce aux conseils juridiques de ses avocats engagés, à l’écoute de ses clients et aux domaines de compétences complémentaires.
    L’intervention d’Avocats Picovschi est reconnue par la presse spécialisée grâce à son extrême compétence et à ses solutions innovantes jusqu’à croître son influence à l’échelle nationale comme internationale pour soutenir l’activité des PME et des grandes entreprises, en plus de consolider des situations professionnelles ou patrimoniales constituées par ses clients
    Notre objectif est l’obtention du meilleur résultat possible, dans le meilleur délai et au coût le plus compétitif possible

    NOS VALEURS : Un nom – Une passion – Un futur ensemble


    For thirty years, Picovschi Lawyers has been offering its expertise in various lines of business to lead you towards success, both in counselling as well as in managing your litigations, by means of the legal advice from its committed lawyers, who are pleased to listen their clients and who have increased their expertise in many other sectors.
    Picovschi Lawyers’ action is regularly recognized by the specialized press thanks to its extreme competence and its innovative solutions, up to increasing its influence on a national and international scale, in supporting the activity of SMEs and large companies, and also to expand the professional or patrimonial situations of its clients.
    Our goal is to obtain the best possible result, without undue delay and at the most competitive cost possible.

    OUR VALUES : One name - One passion - One future together

    Droit des affaires, Contrôle URSSAF, Droit du travail, Contrôle fiscal, Droit de l'informatique, Droit fiscal, Propriété intellectuelle / PLA, Droit bancaire, Droit des successions, Droit immobilier, Droit de la construction, Droit des sociétés, Droit commercial, Gestion patrimoine, and Avocat Mandataire Immobilier

  • Cabinet Avocats Picovschi - Avocats d'affaires à Paris

    Cabinet d'avocats en droit des affaires à Paris. Des avocats à votre écoute depuis 1988 pour vous conseiller et vous défendre en matière de fiscalité, d’immobilier et de successions

  • https://www.avocats-picovschi.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Real Estate, Software Development
Real Estate, Software Development

19 May 2017

Décideurs Magazine
Décideurs Magazine
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Décideurs Magazine
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