  • Cstories

    Created in 2011

  • Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    3,912 833
  • Entity types

  • Location

    Robijnstraat 96, 1812 RB Alkmaar, Netherlands



  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 3

  • Engaged corporates

    1 14
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] View and share business stories online

    Cstories.nl has been the Business Storytelling platform for CXOs and Senior Management since 2011.
    Telling the message in an inspiring way that is the way for CXOs and senior managers to tell their story in the present time. This form of storytelling requires excellent visible and findability. Cstories.nl is the stage for this in the Netherlands and therefore offers plenty of room for business and opinion leaders to tell their story. CSSTORIES.NL is therefore the platform for Business Storytelling in the Netherlands.

    Stories that appear on this platform are about vision, strategy, success, ambitions, inspiration, responsibility, entrepreneurship, investment, changes, new developments, innovations, mergers & amp; Acquisitions, the latest applications, solutions, products, services and much more. Also stories with which parties participate in the public debate find their way to Cstories.nl.

    Cstories.nl and Cstories Online Magazine are a source of inspiration for ambitious manager, entrepreneurs, rising Stars, administrators, Young Executives, Young Emerging Leaders, Business Leaders, Opinion Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Politicians and many others.

    Follow us on @cstoriesnl

    Adjo Poorter
    Founder cstories

    Business Storytelling, Publishing, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development, Family Business, Top locations, Reputation research, MT/Sprout, EW Magazine, Emerce, Management Scope, E-Business, Service Provid, Business Leaders, Magazine, Senior Management, CXO, Labormarkt

  • Original language

    Online bekijken en delen van Business Stories

    Cstories.nl is sinds 2011 het Business Storytelling platform voor CxO’s en senior management.
    Op een inspirerende manier de boodschap vertellen dat is in de huidige tijd dé manier voor CxO's en senior managers om hun verhaal te doen. Deze vorm van storytelling vraagt om uitstekende zichtbaar- en vindbaarheid. Cstories.nl is daarvoor in Nederland hét podium en biedt daarom alle ruimte aan business- en opinion leaders om hun verhaal te doen. Cstories.nl is daarmee in Nederland hét platform voor Business Storytelling.

    Stories die op dit platform verschijnen gaan over visie, strategie, succes, ambities, inspiratie, verantwoordelijkheid, ondernemen, investeren, veranderingen, nieuwe ontwikkelingen, innovaties, mergers & acquisitions, de nieuwste toepassingen, oplossingen, producten, diensten en veel meer. Ook verhalen waarmee partijen deelnemen aan het publieke debat vinden hun weg naar Cstories.nl.

    Cstories.nl en Cstories online magazine zijn een inspiratiebron voor ambitieuze manager, entrepreneurs, high potentials, rising stars, bestuurders, young executives, young emerging leaders, business leaders, opinion leaders, ondernemers, politici en vele anderen.

    Volg ons op @CstoriesNL

    Adjo Poorter
    Founder Cstories

    Business Storytelling, Publishing, Digital Transformation, Sustainable Development, Familiebedrijven, Toplocaties, Reputatieonderzoek, MT/Sprout, EW Magazine, Emerce, Management Scope, e-business, Dienstverleners, executive, business leaders, magazine, senior management, CxO, arbeidsmarkt, Financieele Dagblad, and FD media

Corporate interactions
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank
Bank, Financial Services
Deutsche Bank
Bank, Financial Services

12 Dec 2020

IT services, Internet
IT services, Internet

12 Dec 2020

Bank, Banking
Bank, Banking

18 Nov 2024

IT services, Software, Software Development
IT services, Software, Software Development

28 Apr 2022

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