  • Skatteministeriet

  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    3,883 12,628
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 28, 1402 København, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 449

  • Engaged corporates

    1 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 3 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] In the Ministry of Taxation, you help create the foundation for the financing of the public sector. Here you get professional challenges, influence and great responsibility as an employee of the Ministry of Taxation.

    All citizens, companies and organizations are affected by the tax system every year. Our work has an impact on the lives of all Danes. And with influence comes responsibility.

    Our work must live up to the highest professional standards, and we must have both deep professional specialization and an eye for the needs of society as a whole. We are driven by the many challenges that our area contains, and we strive in every way to live up to the responsibility that our influence offers us. The values ​​of professionalism, responsibility, cooperation and vision form the basis of all our work.

    As an employee of the Ministry of Taxation, you work with complicated material and complex processes in an area undergoing major development as well as a great deal of political and media attention. At the same time, you work closely with politicians and the political environment.

    In the Ministry of Taxation, we are among the ministries that make the most legislative proposals. We prepare tax economic analyzes and publications, which, for example, form the basis for policy development. In addition, we administer ten agencies, each with their own core task in the Danish tax system.

    We are approx. 300 employees in the department – ​​both lawyers and economists as well as generalists and several other specialties – who all collaborate across the department. We have a strong focus on good management and on the development of all employees.

    Read more about the Ministry of Taxation as a workplace on our website - www.skm.dk.

  • Original language

    I Skatteministeriet er du med til at skabe fundamentet for finansieringen af den offentlige sektor. Her får du faglige udfordringer, indflydelse og stort ansvar som medarbejder i Skatteministeriet.

    Alle borgere, virksomheder og organisationer berøres af skattesystemet hvert eneste år. Vores arbejde har indflydelse på alle danskeres liv. Og med indflydelse følger ansvar.

    Vores arbejde skal leve op til de højeste faglige standarder, og vi skal have både dyb faglig specialisering og blik for hele samfundets behov. Vi er drevet af de mange udfordringer, vores område rummer, og vi stræber på alle måder efter at leve op til det ansvar, vores indflydelse byder os. Værdierne faglighed, ansvarlighed, samarbejde og udsyn danner grundlaget for alt vores arbejde.

    Som ansat i Skatteministeriet arbejder du med kompliceret stof og komplekse processer på et område under stor udvikling samt stor politisk og mediemæssig bevågenhed. Samtidig arbejder du tæt på politikerne og det politiske miljø.

    I skatteministeriet er vi blandt de ministerier, der laver flest lovforslag. Vi udarbejder skatteøkonomiske analyser og publikationer, som fx danner grundlag for politikudvikling. Desuden administrerer vi ti styrelser, der har hver deres kerneopgave i det danske skattevæsen.

    Vi er ca. 300 ansatte i departementet – både jurister og økonomer samt generalister og flere andre fagligheder – som alle samarbejder på tværs af departementet. Vi har stort fokus på god ledelse og på udvikling af alle ansatte.

    Læs mere om Skatteministeriet som arbejdsplads på vores hjemmeside - www.skm.dk.

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Energy, Oil and Gas
Energy, Oil and Gas

27 Apr 2023

Finance, Financial Services
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