  • Financijska agencija - Fina

    Created in 1908
  • Social networks

    106,708 9,161
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Ul. Grada Vukovara 70, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia



  • Employees

    Scale: 1001-5000

    Estimated: 827

  • Engaged corporates

    1 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 4 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The Financial Agency (Fina) is a leading Croatian company in the field of providing financial and electronic services. National coverage, an IT system tested on the most demanding jobs of national importance and the high professional level of expert teams enable the preparation and implementation of various projects, from simple financial transactions to the most sophisticated jobs in electronic business.

    Although state-owned, Fina operates exclusively on the market principle. We successfully operate with banks, the Croatian National Bank, numerous business systems and other subjects of business life. We are also a partner of the state in the field of public finance, where we have implemented several comprehensive and key projects. Fina also played an important role in the operational preparation and implementation of two major reforms: the payment system and the pension system.

    Fina's business network follows the logic and intensity of economic activity. The IT connectivity of even the most physically distant business units guarantees the speed and reliability of the execution of the most sophisticated requests, making each point of the system capable of performing all tasks and responding to all requests of users of our services. Operational work is carried out through a system consisting of four regional centers (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek), branches, offices and outposts that are connected by modern IT technology and located in such a way as to guarantee easy and fast access to clients from every part of Croatia.

    payment transactions, business information, e-business, archiving, accounting service, currency exchange, and bill payment

  • Original language

    Financijska agencija (Fina) vodeća je hrvatska tvrtka na području pružanja financijskih i elektroničkih usluga. Nacionalna pokrivenost, informatički sustav prokušan na najzahtjevnijim poslovima od nacionalne važnosti te visoka profesionalna razina stručnih timova omogućuju pripremu i provedbu različitih projekata, od jednostavnih financijskih transakcija do najsofisticiranijih poslova u elektroničkom poslovanju.

    Iako u državnom vlasništvu, Fina posluje isključivo na tržišnom principu. Uspješno poslujemo s bankama, Hrvatskom narodnom bankom, brojnim poslovnim sustavima i drugim subjektima poslovnog života. Također, partner smo državi na području javnih financija gdje smo proveli nekoliko sveobuhvatnih i ključnih projekata. Fina je imala i važnu ulogu u operativnoj pripremi i provedbi dvije velike reforme: platnog prometa i mirovinskog sustava.

    Finina poslovna mreža slijedi logiku i intenzitet gospodarske aktivnosti. Informatička povezanost čak i onih fizički najudaljenijih poslovnih jedinica, jamči brzinu i pouzdanost izvršenja najsofisticiranijih zahtjeva, čineći svaku točku sustava sposobnom obaviti sve zadaće i odgovoriti na sve zahtjeve korisnika naših usluga. Operativni se poslovi obavljaju kroz sustav koji se sastoji od četiri regionalna centra (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka i Osijek), podružnica, poslovnica i ispostava koje su povezane suvremenom informatičkom tehnologijom i locirane tako da jamče klijentima lak i brz pristup iz svakog dijela Hrvatske.

    platni promet, poslovne informacije, e-poslovanje, arhiviranje, računovodstveni servis, mjenjačnica, and plaćanje računa

  • Fina - Fina

    Fina - pouzdan partner za građane, tvrtke, financijske institucije te državna i javna tijela.

  • http://www.fina.hr
  • Website is disabled or domain is for sale
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Viva Technology
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting
Viva Technology
Trade show, IT Services and IT Consulting

11 Mar 2015

Real Estate, Software Development
Real Estate, Software Development

19 Aug 2020

Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail

3 Apr 2022

United Nations
United Nations
International development, International Affairs
United Nations
International development, International Affairs

6 Apr 2022

Samsung Australia
Samsung Australia
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Samsung Australia
Consumer Electronics, Semiconductor Manufacturing
Not capitalistic
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