  • Value proposition

    Supporting People Out of Homelessness Across Oxfordshire

    At Homeless Oxfordshire (formerly known as Oxford Homeless Pathways) we work closely with rough sleepers from across the county. We are the main provider of accommodation for single homeless people in the county; we help homeless people deal with the complex issues that led them to be homeless in the first place. Most of those who are homeless face a combination of physical, emotional, financial and social problems, which often result in complex needs that require personalised and in-depth support. Many have experienced mental health problems, drug or alcohol misuse, domestic violence or abuse, unemployment or family breakdown. Homelessness deskills and isolates people, it destroys their confidence, self-esteem and they lose any social/family ties they may have had.

    Payroll Giving

    Payroll Giving is extremely important to us. It provides us with a regular income stream that allows us to plan ahead and budget, to ensure we continue on our journey of making homelessness a thing of the past. For employers, Payroll Giving is simple to set up and it can improve staff morale and motivation. It also boosts your CSR profile and public image! For employees, Payroll Giving is flexible so you can control how much you want to donate and where you want to donate to. Additionally, donating through Payroll Giving is tax-free, meaning every £10 donated costs you £8 if you pay regular tax, or just £6 if you pay the higher rate. Get in touch today to find out about corporate Payroll Giving opportunities and please consider choosing us as your chosen charity!

    Housing, Accommodation , Charity, Homelessness, Rough sleeping, Hidden Homeless, one-to-one support, Care, Oxfordshire , Education , Training , Employment , Respite, Welfare, and Homeless

  • Homeless Oxfordshire - We open doors for lives shaped by trauma

    We provide an open door for lives shaped by trauma and disadvantage. Offering safety, stability and support where it is needed most.

  • https://homelessoxfordshire.uk/
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