  • Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB)

    Created in 1979
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Carrer 60, 21, 23, 08040 Barcelona, Spain



  • Employees

    Scale: 5001-10000

    Estimated: 2,822

  • Engaged corporates

    2 2
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Barcelona't with TMB.

    Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) is the main management company of public transport in the metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona. At TMB we move every day to accompany you wherever you want to reach the city of Barcelona and ten more municipalities in the metropolitan area.

    As the main public transport operator, we offer two regular transport networks: the surface bus and the underground metro, and leisure transport services integrated under the Hi Barcelona brand (Hi Barcelona Travel Card, Barcelona Tourist Bus, Montjuïc cable car and Catalonia Tourist Bus).

    With more than 125 km long of the metro network and more than 822 km of bus network, in 2023 it has been the one that has added the most trips of its history, with more than 643 million validations to the metro and bus, consolidating itself as a benchmark for mobility in the Catalan capital and its area of ​​influence.

    At TMB we work every day to make your journeys more comfortable and fast, offer a public service accessible to everyone and help to improve the quality of life in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.

    Follow us also on X, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and seek the tags #metrobcn, #busbcn, #BarcelonaBusturística, #cableicdemontjuïc, #Catalunyabusturístico and #Holabarcelona.

    TMB is the main operator of public transport of Catalonia and an authentic referent of transportation company and mobilidad ciudadana in Europe and in all the world. We offer two regular transport (the bus -of the surface -and the metro -subterránea) and several service transport service. We move each day for you!

    TMB is the Main Public Transport Operator in Catalonia and a Benchmark Publicity Mobility Company in Europe and the World. We provide Two Transport Networks (Bus -surface Transport- and Metro -FounderGROUND-) and Several Leisure Transport Services. We moves every day for you!

    Transportation Urbano de Viajeros, Public Transportation, Tourist Transport, Transport Urbano, Metro, Bus, Bus, TMB, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, ​​Movilidad, Hi Barcelona, ​​Barcelona Metro, Barcelona bus, Montjuïc Telephone, Montjuïc cable car, Montjuïc Funicular, Bus Tourist Bus, Hop On Hop Off, and Transport Barcelona

  • Original language

    Barcelona't amb TMB.

    Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) és la principal empresa gestora del transport públic de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona. A TMB ens movem cada dia per acompanyar-te allà on vulguis arribar dins la ciutat de Barcelona i a deu municipis més de l'àrea metropolitana.

    Com a principal operador de transport públic t'oferim dues xarxes regulars de transport: la de bus de superfície i la de metro subterrània, i serveis de transport d'oci integrats sota la marca Hola Barcelona (Hola Barcelona Travel Card, Barcelona Bus Turístic, Telefèric de Montjuïc i Catalunya Bus Turístic).

    Amb més de 125 km de longitud de la xarxa de metro i més de 822 km de xarxa d'autobusos, l'any 2023 ha estat el que TMB ha sumat més viatges de la seva història, amb més de 643 milions de validacions a metro i bus, consolidant-se com a referent de la mobilitat a la capital catalana i la seva àrea d'influència.

    A TMB treballem cada dia per fer més còmodes i ràpids els teus desplaçaments, oferir un servei públic accessible per a tothom i contribuint a millorar la qualitat de vida a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona.

    Segueix-nos també a X, Facebook, Instagram i Youtube i cerca les etiquetes #metrobcn, #busbcn, #BarcelonaBusTurístic, #TelefèricdeMontjuïc, #CatalunyaBusTurístic i #HolaBarcelona.

    TMB es el principal operador de transporte público de Cataluña y un auténtico referente de empresa de transporte y movilidad ciudadana en Europa y en todo el mundo. Ofrecemos dos redes regulares de transporte (la de bus -de superficie- y la de metro -subterránea-) y varios servicios de transporte de ocio. ¡Nos movemos cada día por ti!

    TMB is the main public transport operator in Catalonia and a benchmark public mobility company in Europe and the world. We provide two transport networks (bus -surface transport- and metro -underground-) and several leisure transport services. We moves every day for you!

    Transporte urbano de viajeros, Transporte público, Transporte turístico, Transporte urbano, Metro, Bus, Autobús, TMB, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Movilidad, Hola Barcelona, Metro de Barcelona, Autobús de Barcelona, Teleférico de Montjuïc, Montjuïc Cable Car, Funicular de Montjuïc, Barcelona Bus Turístic, Autobús turístico, Hop on Hop off, and Transporte Barcelona

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Automobile, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
Automobile, Broadcast Media Production and Distribution

30 Nov 2023

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs

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Energy, Environment, Environmental Services
Energy, Environment, Environmental Services

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