  • Value proposition

    Il Circular Economy Manager cambierà le regole del gioco e sarà in grado rendere la transizione ecologica una realtà

    Ecosost is an online platform that brings together citizens, businesses, and authorities, under the common denominator of sustainability and environmental responsibility. It involves companies that want to communicate their environmental commitments, public institutions that want to stimulate a sustainable local economy, and citizens that want to change their consumption patterns and reduce environmental impact.

    In doing so, Ecosost seeks to accelerate the transition towards the "Circular Economy"​ and “Smart Cities”: capitalising on the achievements of the digital revolution and transforming urban economies so that product reuse and recycling is maximised, while energy consumption, carbon emissions, and pollution are minimized.

    Ecosost achieves its goal by enabling the creation of a community of consumers, businesses, and authorities and allowing them to interact so that they help and motivate each other to become more sustainable. This simple concept is applied in the context of 5 major types of urban economic activity: mobility and transport, energy, food, retail, and waste disposal/collection.

    Specifically, Ecosost offers the following main services:
    - Geolocalisation and ranking of businesses so that citizens can locate nearby sustainable solutions for their daily needs
    - Rewarding systems that motivate participants to adopt more sustainable behaviours and practices
    - Allowing citizens to rate companies, voice their demands, and express their approval or disapproval
    - Analytics service providing valuable insights on the the impacts of consumer preferences, business strategies, and public policies on the sustainability of local economies.
    - A system of waste-tagging that allows the optimisation of reverse logistics for a more efficient waste collection process

    Ecosost has already achieved much success having established a solid community, prestigious partnerships, and received significant awards.

    ambiente, sostenibilità, innovation, CSR, Community, circular economy, economia circolare, circular economy manager, sustainability manager, green jobs, green books, and environment

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

2 Jul 2015


30 Oct 2019

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