  • Humana People to People Italia

    Created in 1998
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
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    951 6,238
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  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Via Bergamo, 9 B-C, 20006 Pregnana Milanese MI, Italy

    Pregnana Milanese


  • Employees

    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 146

  • Engaged corporates

    2 10
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 11 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Small gestures that transform the world.

    Humana People to People Italia Onlus is an independent and secular humanitarian organization, born in 1998 to contribute to the development of disadvantaged peoples in the south of the world through long -term humanitarian programs.

    • Humana People to People Italy promotes the culture of solidarity and sustainable development.
    • Humana finances and manufactures projects in the southern world and contributes to the protection of the environment also through the collection, sale and donation of used clothes.
    • Humana undertakes to increase the skills of peoples and communities so that they become protagonists of their future.
    • Humana People to People Italy participates in the Humana People to People International Movement present in 42 countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, America.

    Used clothes collection, childhood help, health and HIV /AIDS prevention programs, malaria and tuberculosis, community support, strengthening of civil society, sustainable agriculture, environment and water, emergency aid, development education, circular economy, sustainability, green economy, CSR, education and training, and third sector

  • Original language

    Piccoli gesti che trasformano il mondo.

    HUMANA People to People Italia ONLUS è un’organizzazione umanitaria indipendente e laica, nata nel 1998 per contribuire allo sviluppo dei popoli svantaggiati nel sud del mondo attraverso programmi umanitari di lungo termine.

    • HUMANA People to People Italia promuove la cultura della solidarietà e dello sviluppo sostenibile.
    • HUMANA finanzia e realizza progetti nel Sud del mondo e contribuisce alla tutela dell'ambiente anche attraverso la raccolta, la vendita e la donazione di abiti usati.
    • HUMANA si impegna ad accrescere le capacità di popoli e comunità affinché divengano protagoniste del proprio futuro.
    • HUMANA People to People Italia partecipa al movimento internazionale HUMANA People to People presente in 42 paesi di Africa, Asia, Europa, America.

    Raccolta abiti usati, Aiuto all’Infanzia, Salute e programmi di prevenzione HIV /AIDS, malaria e tubercolosi, Sostegno della comunità, rafforzamento della società civile, Agricoltura sostenibile, ambiente e acqua, Aiuti di emergenza, Educazione allo sviluppo, economia circolare, sostenibilità, green economy, CSR, Istruzione e formazione, and Terzo Settore

  • Humana People to People Italia | Diamo valore ai tuoi abiti usati

    Humana trasforma i tuoi abiti usati in impatti sociali e ambientali positivi. Scopri come contribuire a un mondo più sostenibile.

  • https://www.humanaitalia.org/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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Polling institute, Research Services
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Polling institute, Research Services

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Leroy Merlin
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28 Sep 2023

Lynk & Co
Lynk & Co
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
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Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

20 Jul 2023

Impact Hub
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Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
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9 Jun 2016

Patagonia Patagonia

29 Sep 2022


12 Oct 2021

United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
International development, International Affairs

12 Dec 2019

17 Sep 2022

Auchan Retail
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Retail and Distribution, Retail
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