  • The Architecture Project

    Created in 2012
  • BETA

    To investigate (B)
    Some signals may appear as inconsistent with a regular activity
  • Social networks

    145 154
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Studiekontoret, Nørreport 15, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark



  • Employees

    Scale: 2-10

    Estimated: 1

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The Architecture Project is a Danish cluster organization for companies, municipalities and research and educational institutions with interests in architecture, construction and urban development. We work to create growth and jobs in Danish architecture and construction through business promotion activities within business development, matchmaking and internationalisation.

    Danish architecture is in an international position of strength, and Danish architects have the skills to solve some of the challenges the world faces both now and in the future. In The Architecture Project, we are concerned with developing and realizing the potential that Danish architecture and construction have by arranging network-creating activities, facilitating collaborations across skills and industries and exposing Danish companies and solutions nationally and internationally.

    Our members:
    Our membership consists of a wide range of architectural firms, municipalities, regions, educational institutions and other organizations that are in contact with Danish architecture and construction.

    Our members get:
    • Access to inspiring and business-promoting activities
    • Opportunities to spar and share knowledge with an interdisciplinary and professional network
    • Access to potential new markets, partners and customers
    • National and international exposure via events, exhibitions, press visits, etc.
    • Inspiration for and feedback on new business models
    • Access to activities that provide the opportunity to spot the industry's talents
    • Opportunities to help shape future events in architecture

    Finally, contact us if you have any questions or if you want to hear what your company can get out of becoming a member of The Architecture Project.

    Co-creation, networking and match making within the industry, National and international exposure via events, exhibitions, press visits, and Access to potential new markets, partners and clients

  • Original language

    The Architecture Project er en dansk klyngeorganisation for virksomheder, kommuner og forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner med interesser i arkitektur, byggeri og byudvikling. Vi arbejder for at skabe vækst og arbejdspladser i dansk arkitektur og byggeri gennem erhvervsfremmende aktiviteter inden for forretningsudvikling, matchmaking og internationalisering.

    Dansk arkitektur er i en international styrkeposition, og danske arkitekter har evnerne til at løse nogle af de udfordringer, som verden står overfor både nu og i fremtiden. I The Architecture Project er vi optaget af at udvikle og realisere det potentiale, som dansk arkitektur og byggeri har, ved at arrangere netværksskabende aktiviteter, facilitere samarbejder på tværs af kompetencer og brancher og eksponere danske virksomheder og løsninger nationalt og internationalt.

    Vores medlemmer:
    Vores medlemskreds består af en bred skare af arkitektvirksomheder, kommuner, regioner, uddannelsesinstitution og andre organisationer, som er i berøring med dansk arkitektur og byggeri.

    Vores medlemmer får:
    • Adgang til inspirerende og forretningsfremmende aktiviteter
    • Muligheder for at sparre og dele viden med et tværfagligt og professionelt netværk
    • Adgang til potentielle nye markeder, partnere og kunder
    • National og international eksponering via events, udstillinger, pressebesøg m.m.
    • Inspiration til og feedback på nye forretningsmodeller
    • Adgang til aktiviteter, der giver mulighed for at spotte branchens talenter
    • Muligheder for at være med til at udforme fremtidige events inden for arkitektur

    Kontakt os endeligt, hvis du har spørgsmål, eller hvis du ønsker at høre, hvad din virksomhed kan få ud at at blive medlem af The Architecture Project.

    Co-creation, networking and match making within the industry, National and international exposure via events, exhibitions, press visits, and Access to potential new markets, partners and clients

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
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