  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Medicine for the soul. Microconcerts in hospitals and social health centers

    Musicians for Health is a foundation that provides moments of respite and relief through music, to help patients and residents in hospitals and social health centers.

    We prove daily that music is the best medicine for the soul and, therefore, we hold participatory, emotionally significant micro-concerts in which the beneficiaries choose their favorite songs.

    From Musicians for Health we have created the #LaCanciónMásImportante initiative that allows us to accompany patients and residents who are isolated in more than 1,200 hospitals and social health centers online through music.

    Solidarity, Health, Employability, Music, Culture, Volunteering, Hospitals, and Social Health Centers

  • Original language

    Medicina para el alma. Microconciertos en hospitales y centros sociosanitarios

    Músicos por la Salud es una fundación que aporta momentos de respiro y alivio mediante la música, para ayudar a pacientes y residentes en hospitales y centros sociosanitarios.

    Comprobamos a diario que la música es la mejor medicina para el alma y, por ello, realizamos microconciertos participativos, emocionalmente significativos en los que los beneficiarios escogen sus canciones favoritas.

    Desde Músicos por la Salud hemos creado la iniciativa #LaCanciónMásImportante que nos permite acompañar de manera online a través de la música a pacientes y residentes que están aislados en más de 1.200 hospitales y centros sociosanitarios.

    Solidaridad, Salud, Empleabilidad, Música, Cultura, Voluntariado, Hospitales, and Centros sociosanitarios

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Steel , Mining
Steel , Mining

3 Jun 2018

Impact Hub
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations
Impact Hub
Startup accelerator & VC, Civic and Social Organizations

20 Mar 2019

Comunidad de Madrid
Comunidad de Madrid
National and local authorities, Government Administration
Comunidad de Madrid
National and local authorities, Government Administration

20 Dec 2022

31 Jan 2024

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