  • Value proposition

    An independent observatory on the future of work and people in organizations

    At Future for Work Institute we enhance the adaptability of companies by helping them detect and explore the emerging trends in the world of work and people management, separating the signal from the noise.

    Future for Work Institute is:


    Our clients are companies that want to keep up with the latest changes and trends in the world of work in order to make better management decisions.

    To this end, we design activities through which the HR professionals of those companies explore those changes, come in contact with the latest innovations, discover inspiring organizations and events, learn from experts in different dimensions of the future of work, and share their experiences and ideas with colleagues from other companies.


    Today companies need to look outwards and towards the future. However, we live in a world saturated with information, where it is difficult to decide what to pay attention to, and it is very easy to fall into the trap of fads.

    In this context, we act as an independent observatory. Free from further commercial interests, we scan the environment in search of signals of the future of work and organizations, identify trends, analyze technological and methodological novelties, and, with the help of our Scientific Council, translate the latest research from the Academia into the language of companies.


    We want to contribute to build a future for work that is better than what some of the signals we detect in the environment draw us.

    With this purpose we carry out studies on different topics, as well as awareness and advocacy activities, such as talks and conferences, or, as an example, a video contest to motivate conversations among young people in regards the future of work. We also collaborate with several other forums and institutions that share this purpose.

    Visit our website www.futureforwork.com to learn more about us or join our community.

    The future of work, The future of people management, HR innovation, and Human Resources

  • Tendencias en gestión de personas | Future for Work Institute

    Observatorio de RRHH donde se analizan las tendencias en la gestión de personas y las señales del futuro del trabajo, ¿Te interesa? +Info.

  • https://www.futureforwork.com/
Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Consulting, audit, Accounting
Consulting, audit, Accounting

30 Sep 2023

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