  • Value proposition

    The Shirlie Project was registered as a charity in 1994 after a young lady, Shirley, wanted to take part in a mainstream life. She was told this was not possible as she had a disability.

    The Shirlie Project was born to support people, like Shirley, who have challenges to fulfill their ambitions, including access to employment.

    The charity provides specialised one-to-one employment focused assistance to those who face challenges such as Autism, Learning Disabilities and mental health issues all across Highland.

    We have been, since 1994, the leading provider of person centred services in local communities throughout the Highlands. As isolation can be a huge challenge for people we represent, we have opened local offices in Alness, Fort William, Portree, Ullapool and Thurso. From there our specialist job coaches are able to respond and give the best support for people we work with in the Highlands when and where they need it.

    OUR VISION: Every person has the right to live a high quality life and to achieve their ambition;

    OUR MISSION: To represent people with support requirements to fulfill their aspirations;

    OUR CORE VALUE: Respect people’s dignity, choice, privacy, equality and difference.

    Have a look at www.shirlie.co.uk to know our programmes for Young People, Employability & Employer

    Remember, we need you help to support ALL people to achieve their ambition in to the workplace! Donate now on www.justgiving.com/shirlieproject
    Thank you for your help.

    employment, Job Coaching, Mental Health issues, Autism, Young people school leavers, education, Highland, Charity, and Learning Disability

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IT services, Software Development

7 Oct 2018

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