KORMOTECH is company #1 in Ukraine and #49 in the world that has high-quality pet food for 20 years
Kormotech is an international company of Ukrainian origin that creates high-quality products for cats and dogs. We are the market leader in Ukraine regarding sales. We are among the world's top 60 pet food manufacturers (in «Top companies» by Petfood Industry).
Our facilities are three high-tech pet food plants. Two of them for producing dry and wet pet food are located in the Lviv region (Ukraine) ecologically clean zone, and the other is wet pet food production in Kedainiai (Lithuania).
From 2022, our company will offer up to 90,000 tons of pet food produced at our production and partner factories. The production efficiency of our plants is 36,000 tons of wet and 30,000 tons of dry pet feed per year. The company's Production facilities meet the world standards of safety and quality for food products by ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000.
Our product range includes dry and wet diets for cats and dogs and related products such as treats. The company's product range has about 650 items.
Our nutritionists develop all recipes using a unique technology with pet food nutrition specialists from the USA and Europe. Each product is created under the control of Ukrainian technologists, veterinarians, and state-controlling bodies.
Over the past ten years, Kormotech has been selling its products in 40 countries worldwide. We export pet feed to the USA, The United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Chile, Sweden, France, Estonia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Latvia, Georgia, and others.
Dry pet food, Wet pet food (pouches), Superpremium pet food for cats and dogs, Treats for cats and dogs, Premium pet food for cats and dogs, and Standart pet food for cats and dogs
High-quality pet food from the Ukrainian pet food manufacturer - Kormotech. Taking care of your pets is a part of every Kormotech food. Join us!