  • Value proposition

    Together, let's boost the impact of eco-entrepreneurship

    Kaya brings the ‘game changers’ acting for the ecological transition of the economy together. Faced with social and environmental challenges, companies can no longer measure themselves solely by their financial performance. Ecopreneurs aim to sustainably contribute to human flourishing and the preservation of nature. We favor collaboration with fair trade associations, academics, and non-governmental organizations and together call for a paradigm shift in the political and economic world, to make the economy compatible with planetary boundaries.

    Our activities aim at:
    -SHARING and MOTIVATING ecopreneurs to drive sustainable businesses
    -ENSURING VISIBILITY of what they are rightly doing and promoting a sustainable eco-system of ecopreneurs
    -INFLUENCING policymakers so they form a framework enabling expansion of ecopreneur’s practices
    Join us to boost innovative and sustainable business models of today, and tomorrow!
    Kaya is a member of Ecopreneur Europe

    Sustainable economy, Environnement, Regenerative economy, Circular economy, Innovation, Climate change, Zero waste, Corporate governance, and Biodiversity

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Retail and Distribution, Retail
Retail and Distribution, Retail

9 Jan 2025

Euclid Network - the European Social Enterprise Network (EN)
Euclid Network - the European Social Enterprise Network (EN)
Research, International Trade and Development
Euclid Network - the European Social Enterprise Network (EN)
Research, International Trade and Development

25 Feb 2024

Mouvement Impact France
Mouvement Impact France
Civic and Social Organizations
Mouvement Impact France
Civic and Social Organizations

8 May 2024

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