  • Norwegian Property

    Created in 2006
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    Bryggegata 3, 0250, 0250 Oslo, Norway



  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 58

  • Engaged corporates

    0 1
  • Added in Motherbase

    6 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] Norwegian Property is a pure and fully integrated office property company with premium property locations in Oslo and the surrounding area.

    Norwegian Property ASA is a property company established in May 2006 with headquarters at Aker Brygge, Oslo.
    We are a pure and fully integrated real estate company with properties located mainly in the Oslo area; where we own, develop and manage the group's properties. The company has identified four value drivers for long-term value creation; Market and rental, property development, operation and management, transactions and finance. Our property portfolio is divided into the following areas: Oslo - CBD (Central Business District), Nydalen, Fornebu, and Hasle. The business is organized in the parent company Norwegian Property ASA and associated subsidiaries.

    property, retail, Aker Brygge, Property management, Commercial property, Office, Office premises, and Aker Brygge Marina

  • Original language

    Norwegian Property er et rendyrket og helintegrert kontoreiendomsselskap med premium eiendomslokasjoner i Oslo og omegn.

    Norwegian Property ASA er et eiendomsselskap etablert i mai 2006 med hovedsete på Aker Brygge, Oslo.
    Vi er et rendyrket og helintegrert eiendomsselskap med eiendommer lokalisert hovedsakelig i Osloområdet; hvor vi eier, utvikler og forvalter konsernets eiendommer.Selskapet har identifisert fire verdidrivere for langsiktig verdiskapning; Marked og utleie, eiendomsutvikling, drift og forvaltning, transaksjoner og finans. Vår eiendomsportefølje deles inn i følgende områder: Oslo – CBD (Central Business District), Nydalen, Fornebu, og Hasle. Virksomheten er organisert i morselskapet Norwegian Property ASA og tilhørende datterselskaper.

    eiendom, retail, Aker Brygge, Eiendomsforvaltning, Næringseiendom, Kontor, Kontorlokaler, and Aker Brygge Marina

Corporate interactions BETA
Corporate TypeTweets Articles
Financial Times
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing
Financial Times
Media, Newspaper Publishing

30 Apr 2024

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