Social networks
614 614Activities
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Radnička cesta 80, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 4
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
9 months, 3 weeks ago[Automatic translation follows] Central point for information and advice on the LIFE Programme in Croatia
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition is the National Contact Point (NCP) for the LIFE Programme in Croatia.
The LIFE Programme has been in existence since 1992 and is the most important financial instrument of the European Union for the development of environmental and climate protection policies. The Programme finances projects in the areas of nature protection and biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, circular economy and quality of life, and the transition to clean energy.
The NCP informs interested parties about the LIFE Programme, the conditions of individual calls for proposals and the possibilities of applying.
The NCP also provides assistance to potential applicants in the preparation of LIFE project proposals, as well as to those whose project proposals have been approved and are under review, and facilitates communication with the competent authorities for more efficient implementation of activities.
Središnje mjesto za informiranje i savjete o Programu LIFE u Hrvatskoj
Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i zelene tranzicije je Nacionalna kontakt točka (National Contact Point, NCP) za Program LIFE u Hrvatskoj.
Program LIFE postoji od 1992. i najvažniji je financijski instrument Europske unije za razvoj politika zaštite okoliša i klime. Kroz Program se financiraju projekti u području zaštite prirode i očuvanja biraznolikosti, prilagodbe i ublažavanja klimatskih promjena, kružnog gospodarstva i kvalitete života te prelaska na čistu energiju.
NCP informira zainteresirane o LIFE programu, uvjetima pojedinih natječaja i mogućnosti prijave.
NCP također pruža pomoć potencijalnim prijaviteljima u pripremi LIFE projektnih prijedloga, kao i onima čiji su projektni prijedlozi odobreni te su u fazi revizije, te olakšava komunikaciju s nadležnim tijelima za učinkovitiju provedbu aktivnosti.