  • Oisin Biotechnologies

    Created in 2014
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  • Location

    800 5th Ave #4100, Seattle, WA 98104, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 11-50

    Estimated: 17

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  • Added in Motherbase

    5 months, 2 weeks ago
  • Value proposition

    Using using senolytic technology to combat age-related diseases.

    Oisin Biotechnologies is a longevity therapeutics platform company focused on creating genetic medicines to combat a variety of age related diseases.

    When cells detect that they have been irreversibly damaged, they enter a non-dividing condition known as cell-cycle arrest, or senescence. It’s believed this occurs to prevent cells from going rogue and turning cancerous. Ideally, they should die by the process known as apoptosis, but as we age, more and more frequently they don’t. They become zombie cells – unable to kill themselves or resume normal function.

    Senescent cells secrete molecules that cause inflammation in an effort to attract immune cells that would usually clear them. But for reasons that are not fully known, as we age, persistently senescent cells accumulate, leading to a vast number of age-related diseases.

    Oisín Biotechnologies is developing a highly precise, DNA-targeted intervention to clear these cells. As a recent study has shown, clearing senescent cells both reduces negative effects of aging pathologies and also extends median lifespan and survival.

    longevity therapeutics, genetic medicine, anti-aging, regenerative medicine, gene therapy, and senolytics

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