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106, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Section 2, Anhe Rd, 213號2F
Scale: 2-10
Estimated: 16
Engaged corporates
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1 year, 1 month ago[Automatic translation follows] About B Corporations® (B CorpsTM)
Certified B Corporations® (B CorpsTM) are for-profit companies that use the power of business to build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet highly verified social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. There are more than 9,000 certified B-Corporations in 162 industries and 104 countries around the world.
About B-type Enterprise Association B Lab Taiwan
The B-type Enterprise Association is a member of the B-type Lab (B Lab) global partners. It is committed to promoting an influential business model that balances mission and profit, using business power to exert a positive impact on society and the environment, and assisting enterprises to become a positive influence on the world. The best (Best for the World) company. Through the Business Impact Assessment (BIA) management platform that has been adopted by more than 200,000 companies around the world, companies can start with sustainable health inspections, continue to improve, and establish practice blueprints to control risks and enhance operational competition. Strength, and truly grasp the global sustainable ESG business opportunities.
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About B Lab ®
B-Lab is a non-profit organization headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA, dedicated to making "people using business as a force for good TM" a positive impact on society and the environment. Create and maintain management with global partners - Business Impact Assessment (BIA) and SDGS Action Manager (SDGS Action Manager) standards and management tools, used by more than 200,000 companies; by promoting B-type enterprise certification ( B Corporation®, B Corps™). The vision is to make the company's goal not just "be the best company in the world", but "the best company for the world", so that all humans and the environment can have an inclusive, equal and sustainable economy.
關於B型企業認證B Corporations®(B CorpsTM)
認證的B型企業B Corporations®(B CorpsTM)是藉由商業力量建立更具包容性和永續經濟的營利性公司。認證的B型企業是符合高度驗證的社會和環境績效、當責、透明度的企業。全球有162個產業和104個國家中,超過9,000個認證的B型企業。
關於B型企業協會B Lab Taiwan
B型企業協會是B型實驗室(B Lab)全球夥伴的一員,致力推動使命與獲利平衡的影響力商業模式,用商業力量發揮對社會與環境正面的影響力,協助企業成為對世界最好(Best for the World)的企業。透過全球20多萬家企業已採用的商業影響力評估(B Impact Assessment, BIA)管理平台,企業能從永續健檢開始、持續改善並建置實踐藍圖,以控管風險、提升營運競爭力,確實掌握全球永續ESG商機。
關於B型實驗室 B Lab ®
B型實驗室是一家非營利組織,總部設立於美國賓夕法尼亞州,致力使「人們的商業活動發揮對社會及環境的正面影響力」(people using business as a force for good TM)。與全球夥伴創建並維護管理 - 商業影響力評估(B Impact Assessment, BIA)及SDGS行動經理(SDGS Action Manager)之標準及管理工具,共有超過20萬的企業使用;透過推動B型企業認證 (B Corporation®, B CorpsTM)。願景是使企業的目標不只是「成為世界最好的企業」,而是「對世界最好的企業」,因此能使所有人類及環境擁有一個包容、平等及生生不息的經濟體。
B型企業( B Corp)是一個國際認證,我們訴求兼榮經濟,創造一個共好的社會。