  • BD Rowa

    Created in 1996
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  • Location

    53539 Reimerath, Germany



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    Scale: 10001+

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  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 5 months ago
  • Value proposition

    Passion, expertise, and quality are the driving forces behind our development and manufacture of high-tech products.

    BD RowaTM robots ensure you run a smooth business with a reliable 24/7 colleague who never gets sick or needs to leave early. You will be able to focus on your core business, without worrying about talent shortages, errors, or lack of support if any breakages occur.
    More than 11,000 BD RowaTM solutions have already been installed in the last 25 years in pharmacies, hospitals, pharmaceutical distribution centers, blistering centers and other facilities around the globe.
    Investing in our highly reliable “made in Germany” solutions, you can rest assured that if anything happens, we have the largest service network with more than 170 experienced technicians, which are able to provide you with optimal support throughout the life of your robot.

    automation, pharmacy, hospital, blistering, wholesale, digital shopping window, digital consulting screens, and MDS Trays

  • BD Rowa™ - dispensing robots & digital selling solutions

    Our products offer people all over the world the convenience and security they want in their everyday work.

  • https://rowa.de/en/
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