  • Fundacion Nueva Cultura del Agua (FNCA, New Water Culture Foundation

    Created in 2002
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    Up & running (A)
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  • Location

    C. de Pedro Cerbuna, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain



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    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 9

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  • Added in Motherbase

    5 years, 10 months ago
  • Value proposition


    The FNCA is an Iberian (Spain and Portugal) non-profit organization composed by over 200 outstanding members from academia, research institutions, public administration, private sector, stakeholders and citizens, aiming at promoting a change towards a more sustainable water management and a new water culture. The FNCA promotes a more comprehensive water analysis and understanding, the application of inter and trans-disciplinary approaches, the integration of ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions, an improved water governance and a wide cross-collaboration among researchers, stakeholders, decision-makers and the public opinion.

    The FNCA members jointly provides a wide research experience coming from all related scientific and technical disciplines. The FNCA applies systemic perspectives to the assessment and sustainable management of water socio-ecological systems, linking natural and social sciences, as well as technological and cultural heritage issues. It is member of the World Water Council, of the Aquanet Europe Foundation and of the Euro-Mediterranean Foundation “Anna Lindh” for the Dialogue among Cultures. It also takes part in the International Network GOBACIT.

    The FNCA has organized since 1998 the bi-annual Iberian Congress on Water Planing and Management, with the collaboration of more than fifty universities and research institutions from Spain and Portugal. Moreover, it has co-organized the I Latin-American Meeting for a New Water Culture (Fortaleza, Brazil, 2005), with more than 500 participants. The FNCA also promoted the European Declaration for a New Water Culture, signed in 2005 by 100 water experts from 20 European countries, with the attendance of 400 experts.

    Since 2006 it carries out an ongoing assessment of the Spanish water policy at the national and river-basin scales, with a special emphasis on the WFD implementation process in Spain.

    Interdisciplinary research, new water culture, water sustainability, governance and participation in water issues, water ecosystem services, innovative approaches to water management, natural and cultural heritage of water ecosystems, and Water Framework Directive

  • FNCA - Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua - FNCA

    La Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua (FNCA) está formada por un grupo de personas de España y Portugal que promovemos un cambio en la política de gestión de aguas para conseguir actuaciones más racionales y sostenibles. Somos profesionales procedentes de diferentes ámbitos (académico, empresarial, cultural, social…) que, a través del conocimiento científico y con sensibilidad social, defendemos una Nueva Cultura del Agua.

  • https://www.fnca.eu/en
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