  • Value proposition

    Werover provides predictive maintenance technologies for renewable energy assets via AI, IoT and robotics

    At the beginning, Werover developed innovative technologies to ensure the safety of human life and accessibility underwater. As the demand for renewable energy grew, we started to offer predictive and preventive maintenance recommendations for renewable energy.

    The increasing demand for renewable energy assets globally has highlighted the need for effective maintenance and repair of these assets. Early detection of damages is crucial to prevent them from becoming larger problems.
    As Werover, we aim to extend the lifespan of energy assets through our developed technologies that provide health monitoring and early detection of issues. Our goal is to promote sustainability in energy assets through the use of our software, which has been developed for both hydroelectric power plants and wind energy. We have divided our technologies into two categories:

    Searover, A line of ROVs specifically designed for the detection of cracks and sedimentation in Hydropower plants through the use of 3D mapping technologies.

    Windrover, a real-time health monitoring system that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze vibration and acoustic data, enabling the early detection of defects in wind turbine blades.


    engineering, underwater technologies, inspections, survey, searchandrescue, rov, renewablenergy, windenergy, greentech, predictivemaintenance, software, software, IoT, AI, and machinelearning

  • Wind Turbine Blade Health Monitoring System | Werover

    Wind Turbine Blade Health Monitoring System | Werover

  • https://werover.com/
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HEC Paris
HEC Paris
Higher Education
HEC Paris
Higher Education

2 Feb 2025

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