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Fahle maja, Tartu maantee 84a, 10112 Tallinn, Estonia
Scale: 11-50
Estimated: 17
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
1 year, 6 months ago4G remote-controlled vehicle technology
The driving force behind Elmo is technological innovation. Elmo is the company behind the world's first teledriven car sharing service and tech development.
We have reached many important milestones:
2013 Elmo creates a keyless and contactless short term electrical car rental.
2018 The idea to develop remotely controlled cars is born.
2021 We drove our test car remotely for the first time!
2022 First road legal teledrivable car driving on city streets.
2023 launching teledriving service in the second city and opening service in another country
2024 cross border teledriving with 2100km distance
Why teledrivable vehicle?
The technology enables us to deliver short term rental cars to our clients doorstep contactlessly and with incredible efficiency. The result is the ability to service a large client base with a small fleet of cars and drivers. This greatly optimizes personell costs, saves fuel and reduces CO2 emissions. In the summer of 2022 we teledrove our car to the first client. Today we have over 20 000 clients and 140 environmentally friendly cars
Tehnoloogiline innovatsioon on Elmo mootoriks. Elmo on ettevõte, mis on esimesena maailmas toonud kaugjuhitavad autod autojagamis teenusesse.
Oleme esimestena jõudnud mitmete oluliste tähisteni:
2013 Elmo loob võtmevaba elektriauto rentimislahenduse.
2018 Sünnib idee luua kaugjuhitava auto lahendus.
2021 Tegime esimese kaugjuhitava sõidu.
2022 jõudsid esimesed kaugjuhitavad rendiautod linnatänavatele.
2023 teenus kahes linnas ja sisenemine välisriiki
Miks kaugjuhtimine?
Tehnoloogia võimaldab meil seniolematu efektiivsusega rendiautosid tellimuse peale kontaktivabalt otse inimesteni toimetada. Tulemuseks on võimekus väikese autopargiga suurt kliendibaasi kiirelt teenindada, tööjõudu optimeerida, suurel hulgal kütust kokku hoida ja päriselt keskkonnasõbralikku tehnoloogiat kasutada.
2022. aasta suvel kaugjuhisime auto esimese kliendini – täna on meil juba 20 000 klienti ning 140 sõidukiline autopark.
teledriving, remotely controlled vehicles, remote driving, and estonian
In our car sharing business Elmo Rent we wanted to serve maximum customers with minimum resources, so we created remote control technology to deliver vehicles.