Suomalainen rakennusteollisuuden muovituotevalmistaja. Osa Pipelife International konsernia." title="" class="btn" data-container="body" data-html="true" data-id="448762" data-placement="top" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" style="color:#b3d4fc" tabindex="0" data-original-title="Pipelife Finland"> 213 1,945
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Kiviharjunlenkki 1, 90220 Oulu, Finland
Scale: 51-200
Estimated: 71
Engaged corporates
1Added in Motherbase
1 year, 8 months ago[Automatic translation follows] Wienerberger water and energy solutions
Pipelife Finland Oy is one of Finland's leading manufacturers of HVAC products. The product range includes pipe and well products, network accessories, stormwater management systems, oil separators, pumping stations, electrical installation and cable protection products, and intelligent SmartHub solutions. Through us, you can find complete solutions for the construction of water supply networks as well as building and municipal technology, as well as for the needs of industry.
Pipelife Finland's head office is located in Oulu and factories in Haaparanna, Ii, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Tampere and Vantaa. The company employs about 250 people in Finland, of which about 90 work at the subsidiary Talokaivo. Pipelife is owned by the world's largest brick manufacturer wienerberger, which sells water and energy solutions under the Pipelife brand globally in 24 countries. As an international operator, Pipelife has at its disposal the material, product and manufacturing technical know-how of a leading HVAC product manufacturer.
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Pipelife Finland Oy is one of Finland's leading manufacturers of HVAC products. The product range includes plastic pipes, pipe components, fittings, chambers, water supply network accessories, stormwater management systems, oil and sand separators, pumping stations, electro pipes, cable protection products, and smart solutions for water supply network management.
Pipelife Finland's head office is in Oulu and factories are in Haparanda, Ii, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Tampere, and Vantaa. The company employs around 250 people in Finland, of whom around 90 work at its subsidiary Talokaivo. Pipelife is owned by wienerberger, the world's largest brick manufacturer, which sells water and energy solutions under the Pipelife brand in 24 countries worldwide. As an international player, Pipelife has access to the material, product, and manufacturing know-how of a leading manufacturer of Plumbing products.
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Plastic pipes, Wells, Electrical installation pipes, oil separators, Waste water systems, PVC pipe, Plastic production, Rotation molding, Plastic product ODM producton, PE Pipe, PP pipes, Pumping stations, PVC-pipe, PE-Pipe, and Rain water management
wienerberger water and energy solutions
Pipelife Finland Oy on yksi Suomen johtavista LVIS-tuotteita valmistavista yrityksistä. Tuotevalikoimaan kuuluvat putki- ja kaivotuotteet, verkostotarvikkeet, hulevesien hallintajärjestelmät, öljynerottimet, pumppaamot, sähköasennus- ja kaapelinsuojatuotteet sekä älykkäät SmartHub ratkaisut. Kauttamme löydät kokonaisratkaisut niin vesihuoltoverkostojen kuin talo- ja kunnallistekniikan rakentamiseen sekä teollisuuden tarpeisiin.
Pipelife Finlandin pääkonttori sijaitsee Oulussa ja tehtaat Haaparannassa, Iissä, Jyväskylässä, Joensuussa, Tampereella ja Vantaalla. Yhtiö työllistää Suomessa noin 250 henkilöä, joista noin 90 työskentelee tytäryhtiö Talokaivolla. Pipelife kuuluu maailman suurimman tiilivalmistaja wienerbergerin omistukseen, joka myy vesi- ja energiaratkaisuja Pipelife brändillä globaalisti 24 maassa. Kansainvälisenä toimijana Pipelifella on käytössään johtavan LVIS-tuotevalmistajan materiaali-, tuote- ja valmistustekninen osaaminen.
Lue lisää:
Pipelife Finland Oy is one of Finland's leading manufacturers of HVAC products. The product range includes plastic pipes, pipe components, fittings, chambers, water supply network accessories, stormwater management systems, oil and sand separators, pumping stations, electro pipes, cable protection products, and smart solutions for water supply network management.
Pipelife Finland's head office is in Oulu and factories are in Haparanda, Ii, Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Tampere, and Vantaa. The company employs around 250 people in Finland, of whom around 90 work at its subsidiary Talokaivo. Pipelife is owned by wienerberger, the world's largest brick manufacturer, which sells water and energy solutions under the Pipelife brand in 24 countries worldwide. As an international player, Pipelife has access to the material, product, and manufacturing know-how of a leading manufacturer of plumbing products.
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Muoviputket, Kaivot, Sähköasennusputket, oil separators, Jätevesijärjestelmät, PVC-putki, Plastic production, Rotation moulding, Plastic product ODM producton, PE Putki, PP putket, Pumppaamot, PVC-pipe, PE-Pipe, and Rain water management
Pipelife Finland Oy on yksi Suomen johtavista LVIS-tuotteita valmistavista yrityksistä.