  • First State Manufacturing

    Created in 1997
  • BETA

    Up & running (A)
    Existing signals show a regular activity
  • Social networks

    100 215
  • Activities

  • Entity types

  • Location

    301 SE 4th St, Milford, DE 19963, USA


    United States of America

  • Employees

    Scale: 51-200

    Estimated: 24

  • Engaged corporates

    0 0
  • Added in Motherbase

    1 year, 8 months ago
  • Value proposition

    We are what we sew, and at First State Manufacturing, we sew with the threads that connect and protect us.

    We’re the train and airplane seating on your way to visit family or to that meeting with colleagues. We’re the coveted front seat the kids race to on the tallest roller coaster. We’re the protective vest the umpire wears to call balls and strikes at the Little League playoffs. And we’re the seats, gear, and upholstered surroundings that help our brave military men and women stay safe and remain the best that they can possibly be.

    With a wide-range of field-tested, battle-proven capabilities, and unparalleled levels of customer service, First State Manufacturing is equipped and ready to meet your commercial sewing and industrial seating needs – big or small, little-league or big-league – with high-impact solutions that last.

    We are First State Manufacturing. Integrity Sewn In.

    Product & Reverse Engineering, Commercial & Military Applications, Aerospace, Defense, Transit, Pharmaceutical Protection, Repair & Restoration, Cushions, Covers, Armrests, Headrests, Padded Turnstile Covers, Tarps & Covers, Upholstering, and Insulation

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