
    Created in 1971
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    Al Midan، Lebanon



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    Scale: 201-500

    Estimated: 80

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    1 year, 7 months ago
  • Value proposition

    [Automatic translation follows] The Center for Educational Research and Development is an independent public institution directly linked to the Minister of Education and Higher Education, aiming to formulate educational policies and improve the quality of education in Lebanon and keep pace with scientific progress and technological and cultural development in the world.

    Its most prominent tasks include educational planning, developing educational curricula and everything related (school buildings, educational equipment, official exams, producing or deciding on school books, publications and educational tools), training faculty members, and conducting educational research and statistics.

    The Center for Educational Research and Development is an independent public institution directly linked to the Minister of Education and Higher Education. It aims at formulating educational policies, improving the quality of education in Lebanon and keeping abreast of scientific progress, as well as technological and cultural development worldwide , you are the director of the ministry of education and the superior education, and you do not have a mission to cover educational policies, improve the quality of education in Liban and comply with scientific progress and technological development and culture in the country. The main screens don't charge the account: the educational planning, the conception and the curricula work and all that is suitable for the work in the market (batiments, educational equipment, educational equipment, official exams, manual school production, publications, etc.).  Pedagogical outreach or validation), the continued training of pre-university personnel, research and statistics in diverse pedagogical studies  Carry out various educational researches and educational statistics to disseminate their results using appropriate means,  Prepare educational plans for different educational cycles and levels, as well as review and monitor their implementation except for Higher Education,  Study educational curricula and submit relevant recommendations for their implementation,  Design the types of official examinations’ questions, coordinate their preparation and attend the meetings of the examinations’ committees,  Produce national textbooks, educational publications and educational aids and their suitability for use in schools,  Undertake educational documentation and organize a central educational library,  Propose technical and health conditions that have to be met in educational buildings and equipment,  Train all staff in all educational stages and fields, except Higher Education,  Propose qualifications that have to be met by applicants for jobs in all educational stages and fields, except Higher Education, • Conduct research, studies and various educational statistics and disseminate their results in appropriate ways., • Develop educational plan projects for the various stages of pre-university education and monitor the extent of their implementation and review them., • Study educational curricula and propose appropriate measures regarding them and follow up on their implementation in all schools., • Approve the pattern of official examination questions and coordinate their development and attend the work of the examination committees., • Produce or decide on school books, publications and educational tools., • Organize an educational library Central., • Proposing the technical and health conditions that must be met in school buildings and their equipment., • Training of teaching staff members, with the exception of university education., and • Proposing the conditions that must be met by candidates for work in all stages and fields of education, with the exception of university education.

  • Original language

    إنّ المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء هو مؤسسة عامة مستقلة ترتبط مباشرة بوزير التربية والتعليم العالي، تهدف الى رسم السياسات التربوية وتحسين نوعية التعليم في لبنان ومواكبة التقدم العلمي والتطور التكنولوجي والثقافي في العالم.
    ومن أبرز مهامه التخطيط التربوي، تطوير المناهج التربوية وكل ما له صلة (الأبنية المدرسية، التجهيزات التربوية، الامتحانات الرسمية، إنتاج الكتب المدرسية والمنشورات والوسائل التربوية أو البت فيها)، تدريب أفراد الهيئة التعليمية ، القيام بالبحوث والإحصاءات التربوية.

    The Center for Educational Research and Development is an independent public institution directly linked to the Minister of Education and Higher Education. It aims at formulating educational policies, improving the quality of education in Lebanon and keeping abreast of scientific progress, as well as technological and cultural development worldwide

    Its major tasks include educational planning, the design of educational curricula and related issues (school buildings, educational equipment, official examinations, production of textbooks, publications and educational materials whether in design or decisive wise), training members of the educational staff, conducting research and educational statistics

    Le Centre de Recherche et de Développement pédagogique est une institution publique indépendante, liée directement au ministre de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur, et dont la mission consiste à concevoir les politiques éducatives, améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement au Liban et accompagner le progrès scientifique et le développement technologique et culturel de par le monde
    Parmi les tâches principales dont il la charge on compte : la planification pédagogique, la conception et la mise à jour des curricula et de tout ce qui se rapporte à leur mise en œuvre (les bâtiments scolaires et les équipements pédagogiques, les examens officiels, la production des manuels scolaires, des publications et des outils pédagogiques ou leur validation), la formation continue des personnels de l’enseignement pré-universitaire, les recherches et les statistiques pédagogiques diverses

     carry out various educational researches and educational statistics disseminate their results using appropriate means,  prepare educational plans for different educational cycles and levels, as well as review and monitor their implementation except for Higher Education,  study educational curricula and submit relevant recommendations for their implementation,  design the types of official examinations’ questions, coordinate their preparation and attend the meetings of the examinations’ committees ,  produce national textbooks, educational publications and educational aids and their suitability for use at schools,  undertake educational documentation and organize a central educational library ,  propose technical and health conditions that have to be met in educational buildings and equipment,  train all staff in all educational stages and fields, except Higher Education,  propose qualifications that have to be met by applicants for jobs in all educational stages and fields, except Higher Education, • القيام بالبحوث، الدراسات و الإحصاءات التربوية المختلفة وتعميم نتائجها بالطرق المناسبة., • وضع مشاريع الخطط التربوية لمختلف مراحل التعليم ما قبل الجامعي ومراقبة مدى تنفيذها وإعادة النظر بها., • دراسة مناهج التعليم واقتراح المناسب بشأنها ومتابعة تطبيقها في المدارس كافة., • إقرار نمط أسئلة الامتحانات الرسمية وتنسيق وضعها وحضور أعمال اللجان الفاحصة., • إنتاج الكتب المدرسية والمنشورات والوسائل التربوية أو البت فيها., • تنظيم مكتبة تربوية مركزية., • اقتراح الشروط الفنية والصحية الواجب توافرها في الأبنية المدرسية وتجهيزاتها., • تدريب أفراد الهيئة التعليمية باستثناء التعليم الجامعي. , and • اقتراح الشروط الواجب توافرها في المرشحين للعمل في جميع مراحل التعليم وحقوله باستثناء التعليم الجامعي.

  • الرئيسية | المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء - CRDP Lebanon

    المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء مؤسّسة وطنية تُعنى بالتّحديث والتطوير التربويّ من خلال وضع الخطط والسياسات التربويّة وتوجيه المناهج التربوية ومستلزماتها لبناء المتعلّم المواطن | CRDP Lebanon

  • https://www.crdp.org/
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